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A girl sighs as she lets herself relax. As she gazes at the mysterious raven hair boy her mind reflects on the recent events of the day. As orders from the chairwoman, she was tasked with delivering a package to one of there associates. She had no idea what was in the tiny envelope when she handed it off but she did realize it was a trap when bullets rained upon her crew. It was a miracle they were able to fend themselves off and even luckier to find a few cops hauling off an innocent limitless. Even though the man was innocent upon glance she knew he had to remain unconscious until further information could be found about him. This was why they pulled up to a skyscraper. With a sigh Yuki moves to open the door only to be blocked by her retainers hand.

"Allow me Miss. Katsumi." With a photo ready smile the black hair male opens the door. The boy was tall for a young adult, his built was slim but muscular. If he wasn't part of this organization he could have made a pretty model. That is, if he would be allowed to model. Maybe that's why he always acted like a gallant. He's aware of himself which proves to be annoying. Though despite his flawless appearance it was clear he was a limitless. Highlighted by the part of his hair, a horn sticks out of his forehead to reveal his status. Miss Katsumi, better known as Yuki, peers into the man's crimson eyes. She was trying to determine if he was being sarcastic or not as she steps out of the vehicle.

Tucking her silver hair behind her ear Yuki turns to the two gaurds inside who were escorting there unconscious guest to one of the buildings private suites. She'll talk with him soon enough, first she needed to have a chat with the higher-ups. With a click of her heels she walks over to the buildings doors where her retainer waited to escort her. The man smiles and holds the door open to the main building. Inside looked like a typically building. A front desk to greet people and a few meeting rooms scattered around the complex.

Yuki wasn't focused on the employees around her or the beautiful art that lined the building walls. Instead she focuses on her new bodyguard and how close he was. If she was being honest she found it ridiculous how she was not only given a body guard but also that the man is of similar age to herself. Even though she may need the protection, she rather have someone more experience. Or at least someone who's easier to sneak away from. As if sensing Yukis discomfort the man speaks up.

"Miss. Katsumi, I understand your frustration but with this new group causing chaos your in even more danger." Despite his sincere words there was a hint of mischievousness in his tone.

Yuki scoffs. "Your just a glorified babysitter that knows nothing of my family nor my capabilities. The new groups antics don't relate to me. Your here because you owe debt and are required to serve until you have cleared your sentence Namiko."

Namiko blinks in suprise, clearly not expecting Yuki to know him. "Well...even so I take my job seriously."

"Serious huh? Even though you accumulated debt, fail to pay it back, and waste the money on petty gifts and contraband." Her heel clicks against the tiled flooring which echoed throughout the building. The clicking stops as she reaches an elevator and presses a button.

An uncomfortable silence fell as namiko stares at Yuki wide eye. He then chuckles to hide his nervousness before speaking.

"I don't know why I'm surprised. Your apart of the famous Katsumi family and you know everything~" Yuki tries not ignore the man's playful aditiude. "You always suprise me miss. But I must say this is an interesting first day!"

Yuki nods as the elevator door opens and she steps inside. Namiko didn't even ask where they were heading, clicking the button to the highest floor. That was where the bosses office was located. The elevator rises slowly and the two occasionally exchange words but it was mostly silent. Yuki was ok with this as it gave her time to think. She thought back to when she saved the raven hair boy and the look of relief on his face. He was very odd for a limitless, frail and weak. That's what happens when your facilitated by the government. That's why the Katsumi family fights. For a moment she looks up at the reflected elevator door and notes her apperance. Her normally neat bun was falling out of it's rubber band and a bit of dirt got on her dress. She was a mess and quickly tried to freshen herself up before the elevator door opens.

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