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Adalina's POV

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I sat up and grabbed my phone to a few texts from Christian and mason.

Mason 2:30am
M: tell Chloe to answer me
M: now your not answering me
M: did y'all get home safe?

Christian 2:40am
CP: how are y'all?
CP: mason is worried
Christian Pulisic missed call
CP:I heard y'all got an Uber be safe

I rolled my eyes and put my phone away and rested my head on Chloe's soft pillow. I heard a few light footsteps walk into the living room and I peaked open with one eye to see who it was.

I see it was Chloe she giggled, "need some Excedrin?"

"I think ima need more than Excedrin." I laughed and got up and walked toward the kitchen.

Chloe grabbed a water bottle and two capsules of Excedrin and handed it to me and she did the same for her as well.

"Where is Maria?" I asked

"Oh she's not getting up anytime soon." Chloe said giggling.

I laughed, "did you get ahold of mason?" I asked

"Yeah I called him this morning and apparently Christian was worried about you. Something about you not answering?"

"Yeah he called while I was asleep and didn't see the reason to call him this morning plus I have a pounding headache." I said grabbing my head.

"Ahh okay." She said taking a sip of her water, "so what is going on with you and Christian? Like have y'all gone out on a date? Or anything?" She asked.

"Not an actual date yet... but he did come over I think it was Wednesday after training. Just to help me study. He stayed until I think 9ish. He brought food and all and it was nice." I said


"And what? What's all that basically happened." I said giggling.

She gave me a look.

"Oh well actually Brendan kinda interrupted Christian and I while we were on a break."

"Oh what did he interrupt?"

"Well Christian and i were just chilling on the couch and then Brendan rang my door bell. He made me cookies and wanted to see how I was. It was sweet." I said

"So he interrupted nothing basically."

"What are you talking about haha. Christian did get a little bit jealous which was cute. He told me to not eat the cookies."

"I'm talking about sex Adalina! Or a kiss! Like anything?"

I started laughing uncontrollably, "no nothing like that hahah."

"Well when are y'all?" She eagerly asked.

"Well i dunno what to tell you haha. On the top of Christian Pulisic. Do you know him well?" I said turning to her.

"I'll answer your question in a second. I just ordered us some breakfast tacos."

"Mmm delicious." I said grabbing my stomach.

"To answer you question about Christian is yesish."

"Why yesish?" I said curiously.

"Well he's one of masons close friends here so I see him quite a bit and I've seen his journey for the past two years. He's a very shy, reserved, personal person. He doesn't share much he just shares enough. But he's great. Super sweet, kind, funny guy."

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