Twenty Three

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Adalina's POV

Last night didn't go as planned. After Christian and I got into an argument I stormed off and went back to try to enjoy myself. We played a show to everyone. Making everyone believe we were happy and content. In reality we were completely the opposite. Angry, annoyed, frustrated at each other for our own reasons.

At the end of the night we slept in the same bed. But as far away from each other as possible. He told me that he would sleep somewhere else if I didn't feel comfortable, but I was okay with it.

The next morning was pretty awkward, but we managed. Christian got along with my family pretty well. Despite us not in a great place right now, from the outside you would think we were the happiest ever.

We hung out with family the rest of the day and about an hour before we had to leave to the airport we finally had an actual conversation, but it wasn't about the argument last night.

"I'm going to Florida. I'll be in London in a few days for training." He said.

I looked up, "okay. I would go with you but my last semester is about to start and I want to get ahead." I said looking down.

We gathered our things and placed everything in my parents car. They were kind enough to drop us off at the airport and we said our goodbyes.

Christian and I were going our separate ways and oddly enough our gates were in the opposite direction. We when through security together and once we passed we hugged and he kissed my forehead, "look I know we aren't in the best place. But I want to be. I love you."

I looked up in shock from his words, "I love you too."I said. He leaned in and kissed me swiftly.

"Be careful and safe on your flight. I will see you when I get to London in a few days." He said placing another kiss.

"See you soon." I said laying my head on his chest, and with that we went out separate ways.

It's been two days since I arrived at London and Christian is still out in Florida. He comes back in about three days. We have been okay. Just because he said he loved me doesn't fix everything over night. So, since I've been back we've been up and down. We haven't talked as consistent but that is because I am trying to get ahead and well he is out with friends enjoying his last few days before he goes back to soccer.

Tonight Chloe and I were going out and will most Leila go to one of those fancy places where they serve you food and you can chill but also can go dance if you want to go dance.

As of today, Christian and I haven't talked much, but like I said I wasn't surprised this has been a very day occurrence since we fought.

Christian's POV

Tonight we decided to go out to a club here in Miami. It's the last day for some boys before we all go back to our respected clubs, jobs or school. I leave for London in a few days and I couldn't wait to see Adalina. We haven't talked as much as we usually do but but are both busy.

Once we arrived at the club the drinks kept coming shot after shot after shot. All I could think about was Adalina. Her lips, body, the way I wish I could be with her right now. Kissing her all over. I missed her touch and the passion. I hated being in this grey zone area with her cause I do love her.

I've had a good amount of alcohol in my system but it doesn't seem to have affected me. I felt like I was sitting here moping around wishing I was in London to try to repair and re-patch my relationship with Adalina, "stop being such a looser and drink!" Nick said handing me a glass of whiskey.

I texted Adalina

CP: will be out for a while so don't wait up and go to bed. I'll text you once I'm home and I'll call you in the morning.

A: okay

She was also out with some friends but knowing her she would be home in about an hour or so and I well not sure after the boys just kept drinking and the bartender kept serving me.

Drinks kept coming and I kept drinking them, and before I knew it I was starting to feel pretty great and out of that moping phase. I got up and danced, drank, and danced some more. I felt hands all around me, grabbing me, but I didn't mind it nor did I stop it. It felt good being touched. I didn't know who the person was nor did I care. I was having fun at the club with the boys.


I woke up with a pounding headache. One of those you got super fucked up the night before headaches. I don't remember much other than the boys telling me to let go and drink. So that's what I did I let go and drank a lot. I stretch and yawn and turn my head slightly to see a blonde laying naked under my covers. Panic quickly sets and my stomach begins to turn. I look under the covers to see we are both naked and I practically punch myself. I quickly get some clothes and go to the shower.

In the shower I was doing everything possible to not fall apart but just thinking of how fucked I am and how much I fucked up. I need to tell Adalina, I cannot not tell her that would be awful of me, but then she would want to breakup and I don't want that either.

I was going back and forth with stories but all I could do is be honest with her. Alcohol is not an excuse to cheat but I drank too much and it happened. I essentially blacked out last night since I have no recollection of any of the events after.

I get out of the shower, get dressed, brush my teeth and walk out to see the blonde is awake, "you need to leave. I don't even know your name so last night meant nothing."

She got up and got dressed, "okay im fine with that but um while you were in the shower someone called you and I picked up. Her name was Adalina."

"What the hell did you say to her?" I practically scream.

"I didn't say anything. Just hello and she hung up so quickly." She said walking out the door, "hope that works out for you" she finished saying and disappeared.

I run my fingers through my hair, not knowing what to do I pick up my phone and call her. No answer that's when panic rose even higher and my heart rate picked up. I began packing everything I could see in sight and booked the first flight to London.


At the airport before boarding I tired calling again but no answer. So I left a message

CP: everyone decided to leave today. So I'll be back in London before you know it.


Once I arrived in London I spend no time unpacking everything. I made sure I looked presentable and made my way to the florist shop. I bought her a cute small bouquet that I know she'll love cause it has her favorite flowers, daisies mixed with red roses'.

I arrive at her door and quickly adjust my hair, and shirt. I placed my knuckles and made contact with her door echoing a knock. I could hear steps walking closer and closer to the door and the closer they got the higher my heart rate got.

She opened the door with a blank expression on her face. She quickly scanned me and the flowers. Not saying a word, she closed the door and locked it.


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