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"Toji!" The boy turned to face the small girl standing in front of him. Her hair was in pigtails, and her bright eyes focused on him so intently that it made him slightly uneasy. "Y-yes?" He knew why she was here, which made him feel even more unworthy and burdened. After all, he didn't consider himself anything special. "Um, do you want to practice fighting with me?" she asked, looking down nervously. He was dumbfounded. Him? Someone who wasn't special like him practicing fighting? Especially with someone as special as her? But despite his surprise, he nodded and shyly followed her to her instructor.

When it was discovered that he wasn't special like the majority of his family, they decided to make you, Y/n, the youngest child of the head of the L/n clan, the heir to the clan technique. However, because your body was considered weak—weak enough that you couldn't engage in intense combat—your older sibling, who possessed a strong technique, was declared the rightful heir. It was fine with you; you didn't want the title anyway. You were happy for your sibling, and in return, your sibling and family wanted you to be happy despite not inheriting the position.

One day in the Zenin household, a small girl was running around looking for her betrothed but instead stumbled upon one of Toji's cousins. "Miss Y/n, good to see you. Were you looking for me?" the taller boy asked, his maid standing behind him. "Oh, I apologize, but I'm actually looking for Toji," she said with a sweet smile on her face. The taller boy's eyes widened. He then tskes and walked away angrily, leaving you feeling confused about his behavior. Did you do something wrong?

Frowning, you continued your search for your betrothed, eventually spotting him in the garden. "Toji!" you exclaimed excitedly as you ran toward him, arms wide open, surprising him with a sudden hug. "Y/n?" he said, still confused and shocked. You giggled and looked up at him, causing a soft smile to form on his face as he admired you and contemplated escaping from this wretched place.

"Hey, Y/n-chan, what are you doing here?" the tall boy asked. You looked at him, puzzled. "Am I not allowed to see my fiancé?" you asked, tilting your head like a curious cat seeking answers. He blushed and stuttered, "Of course you can! It just surprised me, you know?" You giggled at his flustered face and grabbed his hand. "Let's go to the park and have a picnic!" you said, not giving him any choice but to follow you.

You both enjoyed your food in peace, with your left hand resting on your cheek as you savored the creamy cheesecake in your mouth. "So good," you mumbled, while Toji ate a fruit sandwich, savoring the flavors. Suddenly, you exclaimed, "Wow!" and took in the scene before you—the swaying trees, falling leaves, fluffy clouds, and the reddish-pink-blue sky. Toji looked at you, initially confused, but then he looked in the same direction as you. It was an ethereal sight, but he quickly shifted his gaze back to you, cherishing the expression on your face. It was too early to call it love, but he knew that being with you made him feel like a good person worthy of the life he had, despite how his clan looked down on him.

He smiled and whispered, "It's beautiful," amidst the whistling wind, and you nodded in agreement.


"Toji? I'm home!" you shouted as you entered the decently-sized house. Taking off your shoes, you placed them in the rack. Toji walked over, pouting, and hugged you, his familiar warmth enveloping you. "Welcome home, baby," you breathed in and sighed quietly as you hugged him back. "I made your favorite food for dinner. Megumi fell asleep a few hours ago," you informed him, and he nodded, letting go of the hug. "Work has been exhausting, but I loved it," you continued.

You owned a bakery, the same one a certain blonde-haired guy frequented. "A sorcerer helped remove a curse from my coworker's shoulder, so that was interesting." You kissed Toji's right cheek and took off your coat.

He walked away to serve you dinner, as you untied your hair and got comfy. "What about you, how's your day been going?" You asked the buff green-eyed man as he came back with twi plates and set one right in front of you. "Megumi met his supposed aunties in the daycare, they're almost the same age as Megumi. Just a year older." You took a bite of your dinner and chewed. You covered your mouth as you spoke. "Aunties?" He nodded. "They're twins, Maki and Mai Zenin. I guess they're my cousins." After the marriage he took your last name, a sign of rebelling more against his own clan.

He took a bite of the food he had made when suddenly, a cry from the baby monitor filled the air. "I'll handle it, baby. You stay here and eat," he said, getting up. Nobody expected the burly, scary-looking man with scars on his lips to be a gentle and devoted husband to anyone.

But you were an exception. You had taught him that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light if you know where to look. He brought Megumi downstairs, saying, "Look, Megs, it's mama!" and pointing at you. The three-year-old understood and reached out his hands towards you. You gladly complied, carrying him in your arms as you continued to eat.

"Are you hungry?" you asked him, and he timidly clutched your shirt, saying, "Food." You smiled and gestured for your husband to get what the little one wanted. "Papa big," he said, and you nodded in agreement. "That's right, Megu! Papa's big," you said, showering him with praises and kisses. He giggled in delight as you continued to shower him with affection. He mindlessly rambled on, and his father came in with a small bowl of baby food. He immediately took Megumi from your arms and doted on his son, spinning him around playfully.


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