His little ancestors were spoiled: chapter 15

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Chapter 15 The face is as white as a ghost, you still call it okay?

  Ji Mu Shen's expression became extremely gloomy.

"What's the matter with her?"

  "Sir, we don't know either; Madam was just dizzy and passed out." The servant also looked innocent.

He Shan, who was on the boat at the time, saw this scene and rushed to follow. He was also taken aback when he saw the individual who had passed out in Ji Mu Shen's arms and spoke quickly.

"Boss, I'll have someone pick up the doctor as soon as possible."

Ji Mushen ignored his words because they just sounded. "No need."

He lowered his eyes and solemnly pursed his lips as he gazed at the pale faced girl in his arms. "Let's get back to city!" He kept the individual in his arms, turned, and walked in the direction of the boat without waiting for He Shan to say something.

  He Shan stunned in the same place, looking at the man's hurriedly leaving figure with a little bit of astonishment...

  After a long time,

  The ship returned to the land, Ji Mushen carried Zhao Wanyi into the car, and was about to go to the nearest hospital. The man kept his eyes low and looked at the sleeping woman in his arms as he walked.

His brows were still furrowed, and his gaze was cold. The car finally came to a halt in front of the nearest private hospital.

"Here, boss,". The voice of He Shan came from the front of the car.

  Ji Mu pursed his lips, holding the person in his arms, got out of the car, and strode towards the hospital.

  After a long time, in the consulting room. The doctor was seeing Zhao Wanyi. The initial diagnosis did not find anything wrong with her, and she did not guess the reason for her fainting.

  Seeing the doctor staring at her for a long time, Ji Mushen suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

   "Mrs. Ji should be fine, maybe she fainted because she was too tired." The doctor thought for a while, then said.

  All right?

   "The face is so white as a ghost, is it normal?"

  Its okay that she fainted?


The doctor was taken aback and looked at the young girl lying peacefully on the hospital bed when the man's voice dropped.

The girl's skin is very fair, naturally white, translucent, and delicate, and although her colouring appears to be unfavourable, she still has a hint of ruddiness, so she does not appear to be severely ill.

He Shan on the side abruptly opened his mouth to remind the doctor just as he was being humiliated. "Doctor, let's do a thorough analysis once more."

   "Well, I can only do a more detailed examination." The doctor nodded, and had no choice but to follow the Tao.

  At this moment, the woman on the hospital bed moved her eyelids.

   "Cough cough..." Weakly coughed.

  Slowly, Zhao Wanyi saw the man's stern face and the cold eyes that were staring at her.

She felt a little guilty in her heart. In fact, when she was on the island just now, she didn't feel dizzy. She just fell weak under her feet, but she didn't expect Ji Mushen to come back, fearing that he would think she pretended to fall, so she simply pretended.

With Closed eyes.

And she had no idea that Ji Mushen will take her back to the land because of her pain.

"Are you uneasy?" Ji Mushen locked his gaze on her, his cold face displaying a remarkable expression of tension.

Zhao Wanyi's heart clenched slightly as she looked at the anxious and caring man, and she gently blinked. Then she reached out and pressed her temples together, weakly saying.

   "A Shen, I'm fine..."

  The little abacus in my heart rang loudly. She thought, if she was sick like this, he wouldn't be cruel to send her back to the island.

  Sure enough, when he heard her voice, the man's brows tightened again, and the tension on his face became even more intense.

   "Mrs. Ji, do you feel any discomfort in your body?" The doctor asked her quickly when he saw her awake.

  "The body is soft and weak, and a little dizzy." Zhao Wanyi thought for a while, then replied softly.

  "Besides, is there any other discomfort?" the doctor asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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