His little ancestors were spoiled: chapter 8

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  Chapter 8 Even if you are disabled, I will not let you go!

  The unhappy voice of the man shocked the doctor, only then showed a helpless expression, and said cautiously.

  "Mr. Ji, I will try my best..." After speaking, the movements of the hands can only be more careful.

  "The bone was not injured, but the ligament was strained. It is not serious. I will prescribe some medicine. During this time, I will be fine after a good rest." The doctor took off the mask and said seriously.

   Zhao Wanyi nodded and said.

   "Thank you doctor."

   "I'll let the doctor go back to get the medicine." Xu Ma continued, and led the doctor away.

  After the doctor left, Zhao Wanyi moved her ankle and found that it was still a little painful, so she stood up on the sofa with one leg.

  "Where are you going?" Seeing her suddenly get up, the man habitually showed a vigilant color.

   "Going to take a shower." Zhao Wanyi glanced at him, then subconsciously touched the zipper on the side of the dress.

   Seeing her touching the zipper, the man's eyes were hot. Then he got up from the sofa, leaned down, and hugged her, who was standing on one foot.

  Zhao Wanyi was taken aback, and looked up at him in shock.

   "You..." but did not panic and resist like before.

He hugged her a few steps and came to the bathroom door, strode in, and glanced down at the obedient woman in his arms who didn't have the slightest desire to struggle. An accident flashed in his eyes, and he leaned down and put her down.

  Zhao Wanyi stood on one leg, subconsciously stretched out her hand to protect the position of her chest, and looked at him with a little embarrassment.

   "I'm not so mean!" The man looked away and hummed coldly.

  Although he will do whatever it takes for her, but...the only thing he will not do is to insult her in that way when she was in pain!

   "I have something to do, I'll go downstairs first." Ji Mu gave her a deep glance, then turned around coldly and walked out of the bathroom.

   "Hmm." Zhao Wanyi nodded gently.

   Ji Mushen turned and left, but stopped at the door, glanced at the window of the house without anti-theft facilities, frowned, and still reminded her with some worry.

  "Stop thinking about jumping off the building and running away, unless you don't want to walk on your legs anymore."

  He didn't believe that she would marry him honestly.

   "I know." Zhao Wanyi sighed softly. This is indeed like something she would do before.

   Just when she was silent and helpless, the man's stern voice rang again.

   "Even if you are disabled, I won't let you go!" Saying this, the man turned and left, closing the bathroom door.

  Zhao Wanyi was stunned in place...

   Her face was slightly startled.

  In her previous life, she was indeed disabled, paralyzed in a wheelchair, and half of her face was ruined...The men who had been eager for her before looked at her unwillingly.

  Only he will still look at her tightly with that possessive gaze, as if...she is the most beautiful fairy in the world.

  She couldn't help but start to think, if she had been a little gentler to him before, and no longer felt so disgusted to irritate him, maybe...he wouldn't become as terrifying as later...

   Fortunately, its not late.

   Although the current Ji Mushen is paranoid and severe, he is far less violent and terrifying...

  In the few years after Ji Mushen used all means to force her to appear after she escaped from marriage, they were hurting each other severely. She frequently irritated him, angered him, and hurt him...

  (End of this chapter)

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