His little ancestors were spoiled: chapter 29

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 Chapter 29

   "My eldest brother..." When Zhao Wanyi was about to ask Gu Jiu about his situation, she suddenly noticed a cold look that seemed to fall on her. She was taken aback, then abruptly shut her mouth and, by accident, turned her head to look at her hand.

The man frowned and looked at Gu Jiu, who was holding her arm with a displeased expression.

People shuddered at the sight... I couldn't help but feel a tad hairy.

No good, this man is angry again...

  Zhao Wanyi secretly asked for trouble, only then realized something instantly, and suddenly reached out and pushed Gu Jiu who was holding her away. The whole action was completed in one go, and the desire to survive is full...

   Suddenly being pushed by Gu Jiu off guard, he took two steps back hurriedly, and then looked at Zhao Wanyi with a surprised and a little injured expression.


   Seeing that the eye-catching hand on her white arm was finally pushed away, the chill in the man's eyes was slightly reduced.

  He doesn't like other men touching her. Even if a strand of her hair is touched, he can't control his anger...

The girl beside him noticed that he was frowning tightly and his face was still a little ugly, and she immediately leaned towards him, reaching out to support his shoulder.

Ji Mushen's arm was suddenly caught, and he turned his cold gaze to her, only to see that she was smiling at him with a smile on her face, and her voice was gentle and sweet.

   "A Shen, help me get in the car."

  Zhao Wanyi tried her best to please him, for fear that the incident just stimulated his irritable heart again. The man stared at her with his eyes low for a moment, only a touch of disgust was drawn across his stern face.

   "Squeamish!" He snorted coldly.

The voice faded, but she let go of her arm and walked down the stairs, unfazed, to the car parked outside the entrance. Gu Jiuyi was taken aback by the scene and immediately walked over to the car door to open it.

Zhao Wanyi climbed into the car, looked out the door at Ji Mushen, immediately remembered something, stared at him for two seconds, and then whispered.

  "Do you want to go back with me? lets go back together to see my elder brother."

  According to the custom, it was the first time she returned to her natal home, the new son-in-law should go back with her. He has always had a bad relationship with her brothers. Taking him back this time may relieve the rigid relationship.

  Her voice fell, but Ji Mushen fell silent, just staring at her with complicated eyes for a moment.

   "I have something to do today." He pursed his lips.

After hearing this, Zhao Wanyi nodded.

"okay then."

  Gu Jiu closed the door, then turned to look at Ji Mushen, and said politely.

   "Mr. Ji, we will go back first."

  The man's eyes became increasingly cold, and he looked at Gu Jiu in front of him.

   "My people will keep an eye on you, let Zhao Muze stop playing tricks!"

  The Zhao family and the Ji family want to deal with him, he can not pursue it, but... if Zhao Muze secretly wants to send Zhao Wanyi away, he will never let the Zhao family go!

  The man fell with a somewhat cruel voice, and Gu Jiu was taken aback.

   "I will tell Mr. Zhao."

  The car turned the front of the car and drove outside. The man stood in front of the villa, watching the car leave without expression, and then coldly ordered.

   "Send someone to follow."

  He Shan nodded, and motioned to the bodyguards beside him. Several people understood, and hurriedly turned around in a few cars beside them, and followed.

  (End of this chapter)

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