His little ancestors were spoiled: chapter 18

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Chapter 18-It's Like Lin Daiyu's Upper Body

  Before, in order to escape Ji Mushen, she stayed away from family and friends, and also abandoned her studies and career.

   The fourth lady of the Zhao family was made wasteful and had no strengths in the crowd. also cheaper for those with sinister faces.

After a moment of trance, Zhao Wanyi spoke and replied.

"I've been a little distracted recently, but I've taken care of it."

"That's great; are you coming this morning, because there are classes?"

"All right, I'll be there later, and we'll catch up then." Zhao Wanyi was the one who responded.

Zhao Wanyi hung up the phone after the conversation and went to Ji Mushen's bedroom cloakroom.

  Since her marriage, most of Ji Mushens bedroom cloakroom has her things, clothes, shoes and accessories, but she has hardly seen these things before.

   Now that she has calmed down enough to take a look, she has discovered that her clothes are extremely luxurious, and they're all new for the season.

Ji Mushen's garments are much more monotonous than her rich clothes, taking up just a small portion of the cloakroom. At first glance, they seem to be almost all black and white shirts or suits, as he normally does at work. All of the clothes have been arranged.

There are no wrinkles in the shirt, which is very neat. The man's taste is fine, despite his monotonous clothes. The majority of these men's shirts and suits are well-designed and have a nice texture. They stand out even more when worn on his nearly 1.9-meter body with good proportions.

  Zhao Wanyi stayed in front of Ji Mushens wardrobe for a while, then recovered, turned around and found a simple white T and denim trousers, and comfortable flat shoes, and went to change clothes.

  When she changed her clothes and went downstairs, the servant nervously followed.

   "Mrs., where are you going ." For fear that she took the opportunity to run away again.

  Looking at the servant's nervous look, Zhao Wanyi felt helpless.

   "I have class today and I want to go to school."

  The servant is very cautious, not dare to let her go, but busy to get the phone.

   "This... wait a minute, let's ask."

  After a while, the servant walked back with the wireless landline that had been dialed, and handed her the phone.

   "Mrs., boss have something to ask you."

   "Hello." She just uttered a dangerous voice from the man on the phone.

"Where to?"

   "I have class this morning and I want to go to school." She replied hurriedly.

  There was silence on the other side of the phone. After a while, the man's suspicious voice continued.

  "Your body is not uncomfortable anymore?"

  Zhao Wanyi was shocked, and then remembered what happened yesterday in order to leave the island deliberately pretending to be dizzy, so she coughed lightly again, and then continued.

   "Cough...I'm getting better, my head doesn't feel dizzy, but my throat is a little itchy, and my feet don't hurt much. As long as I walk slowly, it's okay."

   "Since it is still a little uncomfortable, then stay at home and rest!" The man's strong voice then sounded from the phone.

  Zhao Wanyi sighed softly in her heart as she heard the very familiar and powerful sound.

"Well, since you are not happy, then I will not go out. I'll stay at home and wait for you to return" Zhao Wanyi said self-pity, alive like Lin Daiyu's upper body, with a weak expression on her face. Poor...

   When the servants on the side noticed her appearance, they were taken aback.

  Ms. Zhao, who used to only be arrogant to her husband, now has something wrong.

  (End of this chapter)

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