fuck allat spanish shit .. part 19 🤟🏾

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yall want sex scenes innis book?

still some years back (mar pov)

"daddy i have question" mari said to me as she poor me a cup of fake tea in my little pink tea cup from her tea party set i just brought her.
"ask me anything baby" i said picking up my tea cup making sure to stick out my pinky drinking my "tea".
"do you think mommy will ever be happy" she responded looking me in my eye. I sat there shocked for a moment. For a 4 year old Amari was very smart and well spoken she understood a lot of things that she shouldn't have to understand.
"umm well baby i hope she does" I tell her not really knowing how to respond to that. "I pray with grandma that she will be happy but i don't think god listens to me" she said as she poured her teddy bear a cup of tea.
"god is listening baby he just needs some time just keep praying okay princess i promise everything going to get better nobody's going to hurt you or your mommy again"
"pinky promise daddy" she sticked out her pinky. "pinky promise princess" i said making a pinky promise with her little pinky.
-flashback over-

"Mar you listening?" Vegas tapped my shoulder.

"yeah im listening" i lied. It's been a little over 8 hours since Trey took Mari. I've been zoning in out through the whole conversation but i know Vegas source found out where they at so he sent a crew to go get her. I wanted to go so bad but everybody was worried my judgment was clouded. I'm just scared they gone accidentally hurt her, but imma trust Vegas.

"any word back?" I asked picking at a scar on my hand.

"yeah i just told you" He looked at me with concern.

"oh my bad repeat it"

"they otw back, they got her but trey got away"


back to present time

"Bailey you need to get your shit together for real, my daughter not finna grow up seeing you like this" I spat at bailey picking up the empty liquor bottles off her room floor putting them into a trash bag.

This shit been happening for months now. I'll go to take mari back to her moms crib and find bailey either high up or drunk up laying around. The apartment a hot ass mess and drugs and alcohol all over the place. Every time I come she says the same thing. "you don't understand how much pain i'm in mar, the things he did to me, and i still love him, just take her for one more week mar please, i promise ill be better". A week turns into a month then boom i'm back at her place cleaning up the mess just so mari can come in and give her mom a hug and a kiss before not being able to see her for another month.

"Mar you dont- stfu bailey im done with that same old excuse until you really get your shit together you not seeing mari she don't deserve to see you like this" I cut her off throwing the bag back down turning to walk away.

I feel her grab my arm pulling me back.

"You cant do that let me see my baby Amar" She cried.

"get your shit together for real" I pushed her off of me.

I walked out the door and got inside the driving seat of my car.

"I can go see mommy now?" Mari asked looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"not today she still sleep" I lied cranking up the car driving away.

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