Part 21

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"okay yall shut up and eat" Nala told the kids. They was all fighting over who was the best rapper.

"everybody know youngboy harder then the rest" Mayback yelled standing.

"im not finna argue with a nigga named after a car" Alejandro his brother yelled back also standing up.

Everybody in the restaurant was starting to stare and whisper. "the fuck yall white bitches looking at" Amari bucked at some white girls staring making everybody else gasp.

"Imma have to ask yall to leave, it's causing a disturbance to our other customers. "we didn't get our food yet" nala semi-yelled. "sorry" the server said.

They all left out and got in the suv. Nala made sure all the kids were buckled in. She took out her phone and sent a text to the gc.

                              #ftk 🥳
nala 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
im never taking these fucking children no where. And they all need they ass whoop when i get home.

vegas 😵‍💫
what they do?

loco 🙄
i bet it was osama bad ass sons

osama 💣

nera ✈️
bet not been mari or faygo 🤨

            mar 🛸 ‼️ nera messaged

nala 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
tell yall when i get there 😒

she closed out the gc and started driving home.

"so then mayback got up like he was gone fight alejandro and was like youngboy this youngboy that" nala explained to everybody. "now guess what alejandro said, this boy said im not finna argue with a nigga named after a car"

Everybody busted out laughing.

"why is it always my sons" osama shook his head laughing.

"that aint all" nala laughed.

"oh lord" may said

"everybody was staring right so mari gone yell at these white folks talm bout tf yall white bitches looking at"

"whaaaattt" nera laughed

"she the oldest and got the most mouth" najhae said

"i hope you know you my real daddy" faygo blurted out looking at mar.

Everybody eyes got wide except for nera and mar. They just smiled thinking he was saying it in like a cute way.

"awww" nera smiled

"no like he my real real daddy"

"faygo stop" mari said.

"no im tired of this somebody better tell him, yall too grown for this beating around the bush shit" faygo huffed.

"watch your mouth first of all and what is he talking about" nera said looking confused.

"imma just say it" loco said.

"so yeah you that boy daddy" loco said shaking his head.

everybody was looking at mar and nera trying to see how they would react.

nera and mar looked at eachother and laughed. Everybody was so confused. "damn i should've knew" mar laughed. "for real he got your whole face" nera agreed.

"yall weird" mari rolled her eyes.

this is just to speed up whats coming next i'm currently writing another book. No i'm not going to discontinue this book.

i'm trying to work out a schedule on parts and when to post these drafts. I start working soon so a schedule is definitely needed.

Yall i'm only 14 so don't expect so much from me this book is not my whole life and i will end this book and delete it if yall keep pming me and rushing me for updates.

I promise yall im trying. but thank yall for the support i got yall . 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

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