Part 24

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lauren- nevermind updating until im tired.

"I cant wait to dog her" Yonna jumped up and down spinning. They were walking to the cafeteria so yonna could fight girl from last night.

"you is too excited to be getting suspended again and for your dad to whoop yo ass again" Taylor shook her head.

"mmmmmmm" yonna said doing the hand movement "worry about you and if im getting jump please just record let mari and lae handle it lord knows you cant fight"

"why i cant jump in?" Taydom asked. "that twin telepathy might get to ya and you might get beat up" Yonna laughed.

"that's enough yonna just fight the damn girl.. and stop talking to them like that" mari said getting aggravated.

"im sorry my twins babies im just really hyped rn" Yonna pouted.

they walked into the cafeteria and saw the girl with her friends.

Yonna put her braids in a back ponytail real quick and walked over to the girl with gang following behind her.

"soo little bitch wassup?" yonna rolled her neck.

The girl put her guard up and so did yonna. Yonna swung and punched the girl in the face. The girl started reaching for yonna hair but she wasn't having none of that. She hit the girl again in the face with her other hand. A crowd was forming around them yelling and recording.

She kept hitting the girl backing her up into the wall the girl managed to grab her hair and pull yonna head down. the gilr started hitting her in the top of her head. Yonna grabbed the girl by her ponytail and pulled back and slammed her on the floor she got on top her hitting her all in the face with her free hand.

One of the girl friend pulled yonna hair from the back. But she still had grip on the girl head so she barely moved.

lae was closest to the girl who was pulling on yonna hair so she pulled the girl by her hair from the back and started hitting her in the face until the girl fell back. Her other friend tried to jump lae but mari snatched her ass up real quick. Mari was fighting the friend when the girl bit her on the face hard asf. The pain shocked her making her let go of the girl allowing the girl to punch her. The twins stopped recording and tag teamed the girl who bit mari. While mari held her bleeding face.

lae and the girl she was fighting were on the floor rolling around but lae was still winning.

yonna let the girl get up for round two but the administrators pulled them apart. They broke up the twins fight and lae fight and walked them to the office. Mari went to the nurse for her face.

Mari came into the office after the nurse put a gauge pad on her face. They were all sitting at the office waiting for their parents.

"okkk twinss its givingggg" lae said showing the twins the video of them fighting.

"ouu where my video" yonna asked looking in the phone.

"imma send the videos to the gc"

"no talking" the principal yelled.

                            my baes . 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾

lae 😩
*sent 12 attachments*


piddd !!!

mari 💅🏾
yall see ms mamas bite my mf face 💀💀

yonna 🧞‍♀️
she ah cornnn you gotta fight her ass again!

they parents picked them up. They all got they ass beat but they didn't care. It was a bonding experience for them. And they would do it again

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