part 20

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"faygoooo" all the boys yelled out running over to him.

"yo" he said softly.

"what wrong gang" mayback asked. "my mommy and daddy stupid" he rolled his eyes.

"they still aint find out" faygo shook his head. "how we know and they dont" Za laughed

"the only reason yall know is cause yall nosy and was all up in tt may and tt nala bidness" Mari came over with the rest of the girls.

They was all at the picnic area sitting down.p

"how mommy and daddy have me mari" faygo asked

"yo daddy had laid that pi- he not talking about that stupid" Mari smacked Za head.

"this what i heard tt nala say"

Mar walked into the party with loco and kman. They took him out to get his mind off bailey and shit. They thought he need to get drunk and feel like his old self again. After getting drunk as hell at the party. Mar bumped into a girl. "excuse me" she slurred. They chatted up for a minute before going to a room upstairs. They do the do and pass out after. Mar wakes up in a bed alone naked. Not remembering where he was or what happened. He got dress and got all his stuff went downstairs and out the door. He saw kman car and all the boys sleep in it. he asked them what happened. They told him he went upstairs with some girl. He remembered going upstairs with a fine girl but don't remember anything after getting naked.
flashback over.

"so yeah and you said your momma don't remember him either" Mari asked

faygo shook his head yeah.

"its crazy how they dating but dont know they got a whole son together" Tylin said

"i heard my daddy said they don't want to tell him yet cause tt bailey just died" taylor blurted out.

Mari faced instantly dropped. Sometimes she forgets her momma is dead. She always expect to see her every month then remembers she can't. She really hated how her dad could move on so quickly. Soon faygo was gon have both his parents and she only had one and because of that she hated faygo momma.

"im sorry mari" taylor pouted.

"its good" mari shrugged her shoulders.

"y'all hungry" hanera asked faygo and mari.

(ha - nair - a)

"yeah mommy" faygo said running into the kitchen.

"you hungry mari?" hanera put her hand on mari shoulder.

Mari snatched it away and gave her a stank look before running upstairs into her room. Hanera signed she really wanted to have a good relationship with Mari but she understands her mom left and her dad is already with a new girl so she was going to give her space. She was happy that mari and faygo got along though.

"hey baby" Mari came behind her and kissed her on the cheek.

"hey baby" she smiled and turn around and pecked his lips. "what you cook?" he asked going into the kitchen. Faygo was sitting on the floor playing with his nerf gun. "wassup lil man" Mar went over and sat beside him. "wassup ugly" faygo joked.

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