Chapter 17

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5 years later...

Phil's p.o.v

Dan and I had our ups and downs, but who doesn't? I know things can't be perfect and I don't mind. I love Dan and I wouldn't change him or our relationship.

Dan's p.o.v

I couldn't imagine my life without Phil. I'd been thinking about it for a while now and I've decided that I want to propose. I don't want it to be a big proposal but I want it to be enough.

Chris'  p.o.v

PJ and I lived together now. We moved into a small yet comfortable apartment two years ago. We also got engaged a year ago but we wanted to wait for a bit before we got married. I wanted to make sure that it would be perfect.

PJ's p.o.v

Dan and Phil and Chris and I still saw a lot of each other. We all had a career on YouTube as well. Me being KickthePJ, Chris being Crabstickz, Dan being danisnotonfire and Phil being AmazingPhil. We meet up a lot to do collabs for all of our channels. Things between Chris and I are great and I can't wait to marry him.
Currently I have been working on some new short films for my channel. However doing this is not easy. I've had to try and contact YouTubers that I wouldn't normally talk to. It's worth it though.
There isn't anything that I'd change about my life right now.

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