Chapter 5

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Phils p.o.v

It had been a week since I started at the new school and it was going great. When I thought back, it now seemed stupid that I was even worried.

Me and Dan had become very close and I got along well with Chris and PJ.

Dan - currently he was all I thought about. I was confused. I mean I'm gay, I like him but what if he doesn't like me back?

Dans p.o.v

I loved how close me and Phil had become. He was like the final piece I needed in my life. Cliché I know but still it was true. The only person I'd talked to about my feelings for Phil was PJ. He had told me that I should get as close to Phil as possible - without coming across as creepy - once I achieved this Chris would then get Phil to open up and talk about any possible feelings he had.

Pj p.o.v

Dan and Phil were cute the way they acted. I wish I could have something like they did with...well..with Chris. I knew they we acted like we were a couple - and trust me I wish we were - but I don't think he felt that way. I had to push my feelings to the back of my head as I dealt with the plan we had set out:

Getting Dan and Phil together.

Authors note

Hope you enjoy this! Decided to mix it up and write from other point of views :3

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