Leave me

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Hii babess! Who am I even talking to? Hahah I'm just gonna pretend that there are hundreds of people reading this.

Soo, many updates in short time- I really love to write this book and I just wish that more people would read it to feel the same way. But- I'm very thankful for you who actually reads.

As always, shine like you're the only star in the world and have a wonderful day
"We'll see about that" he smirked before both of us turned our attention to Mrs. Smith at the end of the classroom.

"¿Qué quieres decir?" I asked him, I knew he was Spanish and I didn't want anyone else to hear our conversation. I took the Spanish as an opportunity to say what the fuck I want to him.
Translation-(What do you mean?)

"Quiero decir que ya eres mío" he whispered to me still with that smirk on his face. Wtf? No I'm not his.
(I mean that you're already mine)

"¿Que carajo? No soy tuyo, Evan" I whispered to him with an aggressive tone. Who the fuck does he think he is? I'm not his.
(What the fuck? I'm not yours Evan)

"Aún no, pero verás, gatita" he leaned down and whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
(Not yet, but you will see kitten)

I blushed slightly at his words but just pushed him slightly.
"Evan- I don't even fucking know you"
I hissed back at him.

"Oh I've seen enough to know that you will be mine" he had his eyes at Mrs smith when he talked. Now that we talked in English, we had to be quieter because people actually understood what we said.

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.
"Oh yeah?" I said ironically before I just laughed dryly.

"Absolutely" was his last words before Mrs. Smith told the class to open page 11 and do the tasks.

His words were spinning in my head the whole lesson and I couldn't concentrate. I met this boy a couple hours ago and now he's so fucking certain that I will be his?
I found myself just staring at him once again- fucking hell, what is wrong with me?
I shook my head at sighed at my thoughts, I can't think about a guy fucking me during math.

I was relieved when the bell finally rang for lunch, I needed some fresh air and food to stabilise my brain.

I picked up my heavy books and made my way through the classroom.
"Thank you so much Mrs. Smith, and sorry again for my late arrival" I said to her and she just gave me a warm smile.

"No worries, but don't repeat it"

"I won't" I smiled before I walked out and there I was again. The hallway was full of students and my locker were lost in the sea of people. There was no way that I would find my locker in this storm of teenagers.

I judge stood frozen once again outside the classroom trying to think about a plan to find my locker and then use my elbows to get through.

I started to push through the mass of people but it was impossible. I was not very big, I'm actually really short so I don't think that people even notice me in a crowd.

"I- excuse me-" I tried to get through all the people but they just pushed and I stumbled. My locker was nowhere in sight and nor was freedom.

The Valiente to your Castillo (18+)Where stories live. Discover now