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Chapter 3

Philip's POV

I saw Spain two meters apart from me passed out, I eventually dropped my cup which I just noticed Im still holding. I then got to him to check him up if he caught any injuries.

I went to check my surroundings seeing my adoptive brothers and friends all passed out except kuya Ruski and...

"NORTH?!" I shouted seeing him there with his brother South, he is checking if his also okay-
'wow thats new- they would always fight for all I know' I thought

"You didn't passed out too huh? Sunshine?" I heard kuya Ruski said as  I turned to him
"Yeah- after the bright light I jsut closed my eyes as fast as I can" I said
"We were brought in some weird place though" he said as I looked at my surroundings and thought
'Damnit Im getting rusty' I then heard North said
"What even happened? I'm at my room polishing my gun like usual, South here is at his room singing some of his k-pop songs which is annoying to be honest" he said rolling his eyes as he continued
"I dropped my gun and clothe after that bright light shoned at my room to cover my eyes, and then found myself here seeing you and Russia looking at Spain and Belarus" he said as I replied
"weird I have my cup with me when the bright light flashed and its still here" I said as I stood up walking to where I dropped my cup.

"Maybe things we were holding or things we have with us when the light flashed came with us here?" I asked looking at the two
"Let me check my gun and bullets" I heard kuya Ruski said when he said that I looked at North who's getting something from his waist?
"I have my knife's here, looks like Russia had his Guns" he said as we both looked at kuya Ruski
"Gun and bullets are all here" he said as they both looked at me
"uhh?" I started
"What did you brought Philippines?" North asked
"Wait let me check" I said as I removed my jacket
"I have here in my jacket is, some photographs Sean gave me this morning, some pen and notepad, coins and money" I started as they still looked at me I again stood up and had my hands in my pockets to see if 'its' still there
"and I still have two of my knives here, Hehe- don't ask, I always bring it for self defence, I got two more in my feet" I said letting them look at the knives I have
"That is well sharpened Philippines" North said looking at the knife Im holding
"Oh I still also have my mini bag at the back of my waist" I said as I turned around just to reveal a bag behind my waist.
"What do you have in that bag sunshine?" Kuya Ruski asked as I got it
"Hmm- Ah I have two of my guns here, and that one gun that Joe gave me last week in Mr. Nato's shooting class" I said as they both looked at me shocked
"You seem to look so innocent you know Philippines" North said as Kuya Ruski just looked at me guessing I still have some more to show
"and Uhhh- I have 3 refills for each gun" I said as they both again looked at me shock
"You are that prepared always huh? sunshine?" Kuya Ruski asked
"Damn Philippines" North said amazed
"Im not really" I said nervously.

"Well I also didn't got that name for something you know?" I said as they both nodded we then heard a gunshot not far from where we are standing

That made everyone who passed out awake except for some whos still deep alseep or just passed out
"Wh-what?" I heard Isa said looking around and another sound of gunshots was heard it sounded like a lot of people are fighting
"Where the fuck are we!?" I heard Joe yelled
"Huh? What happened why is everyone so shocked and why is dads flag raised up?" Spain said while looking up
"WAIT?! DADS FLAG?!" he again shouted gaining more of our attentions looking at him shocked he turned to me and said
"No way- my flag is the one being raised in my country isn't it?" he asked as I replied nodding

"Ack! Where are we? Why is the world spinning?" I turned to the owner of the voice who just happened to be Indo just waking up
I turned to Kuya Ruski and he nodded
"Everyone who's awake, check your belongings if you have something that can help us here in our situation" he said as everyone looked at him and nodded trying to search something with them
"No- I forgot to bring my bag and my jacket is nowhere to be seen" Nada said
"same here! I only have candies and my phone" Zea said
"I have my gun and eventually had my katana with me" Jp said
"where did you even hid your katana Jp? I never saw it with you when we were heading to the mansion" Isa asked Jp, as he only shrugged it off
"I have my notepad, pen and gun but sadly I don't have a refill with me" Ger said as Italy then said next
"I also have some candies with me, a handkerchief and my phone, Ger left his at the limo" He said

"Ugh... What was that bright light and what are you guys talking about?" I saw Mal sitting up with the help of Indo and Cam

Sean, Nat and Nion also just woke up

"Russia asked us what we brought- Me, Myan, Nei, Laos, Singa, Indo, Thai, and Philip did not brought anything" Viet said to Mal
"Actually Philippines brought some rather useful things, also wake up sleepyhead, we are at some situation here and you think you could sleep there for all your care" North said as he kicked South in the guts that made him cough
"*Cough cough* Wh-what t-the heck Bro?!" South said
"Enough of that let's continue with the others" Kuya Ruski said as everyone nodded

Russia's POV

Everyone said what they brought, Indo eventually forgot he hid a knife at his pants, as for America, Ger, Jp, North, Mr. Britain, Mrs. France, me, North and Sunshine we brought some guns and knives

"Ok so Sean has ropes, Nat and Nion? I don't know about you two but how on earth did you both even manage to bring grenades with you?" I asked as they both looked at eachother
"we were planning to practice our time and speed or just aim for grenades in Sean's training place" Nat said as Nion Nodded
"Oh!" We heard Mal so we looked at him
"I have 4 packs of Milo with me!" He said as I saw the Asean Brothers sweatdropped
"also North, you said Phil brought something useful what is it by the way?" Mal asked North as he looked at me while nodding at him
"Well- Philippines here brought 4 knives and 3 guns with 3 refills each" he said making them looked at Sunshine shocked
"Philip!" Indo yelled at him
"What? You don't know when and if there's an enemy that will strike at any point of time and I always have my guns with me- for the knives I brought it for some self defence everyday" He said
I was about to say another word when someone said something but it's clearly not from our group

We didn't move an inch after hearing someone...

To be continued...


Last edited: June 15 2021
Edited: March 1 2022

𝙰 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚃𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝 // CountryHumans AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now