Blood and Chocolate

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"St. Chocolatels Day?" I asked.

"You mean you haven't heard? It's a tradition here. You give chocolates to the guys you like." The girl next to me said. It was lunch break and several others were in the classroom with us eating.

"Really? That's sounds like Valentines." I said. She looked at me confused. "I'm American, Kera." I explained.

"I wouldn't have guessed." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"So people give chocolates to the people they like? Sounds like pandemonium with the Night Class here." I said before I took a bite of my food.

"Last year was crazy but there's a pretty good system set up. And with your help in the disciplinary comity it shouldn't be to much of a problem." Kera said. I nodded.

"Ya. So when is it?" I asked.

"Thinking of getting chocolates?" Kera teased.

"No, more like how long do I have to live." I answered. Kera smiled and laughed at me, but I honestly still thought I might die.


I hadn't minded setting up with the others. I wasn't much help with my arm injured but I did what I could.

"So how hectic is it, Zero?" I asked him.

"You'll see soon enough." He said. I rolled my eyes but stood up, having finished my current project.

"You won't tell me?" I asked. He just looked at me and went back to his job. "Alright. I'm done so I'll see you later." I said. Zero didn't reply so I walked off muttering "antisocial".

I headed to my room. My journal had come in very handy and I wrote in it every day. I had kept my promise and gone back to the book store. There were several books in my drawer now along with the journal.

I normally started writing right away but today I couldn't get organized. So instead I flipped to the back page and pulled out my special pen from the drawer. The pen was special because it used my blood as ink. It was a gift from the book store owner.

'Hello.' I wrote.

'Hello my lady. Is there something you need?'

'I have a question about vampires.' I replied.

'Ask whatever you wish.'

'There's an event coming up here at school where you give chocolates to someone you like.'

'St. Chocolatels?' My pen hovered as it appeared. I was a little surprised: I didn't normally get interrupted.

'Yes. My question: if I were to mix my blood with chocolate and give it to a vampire would it taste good? Or is that a horrible idea?' I waited. The answer normally came right away but this time it took a while.

"What is up with him today?" I thought as I waited.

'You could and I from what I know it would taste good to a vampire, but be careful who you give your blood to, my lady. Your blood is precious, more so than you know.'

'Okay then. Thank you. One more thing: what is your name?' I asked.

'Call me what you wish my lady.'

'What do you want me to call you?' There was a pause.

'Anyone who knows me calls me Spirit.'

'Spirit, like a ghost or specter? That's cool. I need to go now. Thank you for helping me, Spirit.' I said.

'Goodbye, my lady. Remember what I said.' I closed the book and locked it then reopened it and started writing in the beginning.

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