Chapter 46

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I continued to say,
"Don't worry. You can easily get back your life energy if it's only half. They just need to eat and sleep and they will get back the life energy they lost. The only effect you will feel if you only have half left is you might feel a little tired but that's it! Also somehow the portal knows not to suck in people twice after getting their life energy taken the first time. If they do get taken again it takes more than half and that would be more dangerous for their health! It also knows not to take more than half or they could get sick or even die so don't worry to much!"
I saw them take deep breaths again and Cosmo said,
"That makes me feel a little better. But wait! Why will we get sucked into the portals multiple times if no one else will?!"
"Well you see you all have a ton of life energy. Think about it, Cosmo is a Bloodwolf, Ariella is a half vampire half human and Flynn can use magic. Each one of you has a lot of life energy and adding my life energy to yours you have a ton now! Being near me takes a little life energy from me every day. You think it's not a lot but if you add up how many months we were together then it makes sense why each of you have a ton now!"
"Oh I see your point."
"Well the good thing about this is probably no one else will get sucked into the portals. But the bad thing about this is that you all will be sucked into the portals instead!"
Ariella sighed and said,
"I'm guessing since we have so much life energy it will only take us because we have the most of everyone in the overworld!"
"Yep pretty much!"
Flynn then asked,
"But why does the portal need to take life energy in the first place?!"
My dad then asked me,
"Is it okay if I take it from here?"
"That's fine. I'm kinda getting tired of all the talking anyways!"
"Well you see, demon's magic comes from the Underworld and for some reason there isn't a lot of magic in the Underworld right now! So it's taking some from other people from the overworld. It can't take demon's life energy because they pretty much get it from the Underworld in the first place!"
Ariella then said,
"So you're saying the Underworld is almost out of magic but why that happening?!"
"That's the one thing we can't figure out! Silverheart can't even use magic. Me and Silver are very powerful but if it was because of us then it would have happened thousands of years ago but it just started now!"
"Do you think you will ever figure it out?"
"Maybe or maybe not but I hope we do because maybe we could solve this problem!"
Well I'm glad my parents don't think I was the one to have anything to do with the portals opening. But I wonder if Cosmo thinks I have something to do with it? I did tell him I do have magic after all!
Cosmo then said,
"Shouldn't we get going soon? We will die if we stay for to long!"
Well that was nice he decided to not say anything about me having magic.
My mom then said,
"No you won't!"
"What do you mean?!"
"Oh you see, since you got a ton of life energy you could stay here around a week without dying! The reason people die here is not only because it's super hot but they usually run out of life energy before that! The Underworld drains them of it until they leave after all!"
"You said we were going to die if we stayed here for to long before!"
My mom laughed and said,
"I thought it would be funny to see you freak out a little after telling you that!"
Soul laughed and said,
I like how she thinks!
I sighed and said,
"I should have known that was your reasoning!"
I saw Ariella roll her eyes and she said,
"At least we now know we can stay here for a while and can't die! I'm still annoyed that you didn't tell us Silver!"
My mom then said,
"Well I'm glad I did it, your reactions were very funny!"
"Has your mom always been like this Silverheart?!
I sighed and said,
"No, she changed a lot in these thousands of years! After living that long though I'm not surprised. The only reason my mom is like this is because it is her way to deal with boredom!"
Cosmo then said,
"That makes sense. She's even older than you and you complained to us that you decided to go to school because you were bored! I can't imagine how hard it is for her!"
My mom groaned and said,
"Why did you tell them that?!"
I then said,
"Because you wouldn't tell until later when it was the right time to tell them. You just wanted to get an even better reaction out of them later!"
My mom sighed and said,
"I sometimes wished you didn't know me well! You ruined my fun for later, which is annoying!"
I rolled my eyes and Soul laughed and said,
I must say the only thing I like about your mom is when she gets like this! She always tends to scare or surprise people and you know how much I love it when that happens!
I groaned and said,
Of course that is the only thing about my mom you like! To be honest I might think it's a little funny but I always have to clean up her mess afterwards! You know how annoying it is to do! I don't think it's worth it even if their reactions might be a little funny.
Well I don't really care what happens after your mom says weird things to other people. I don't have to do anything after all!"
I glared at Soul and decided to ignore him. Flynn then said,
"Well I'm fine with staying here for more time but I'm starting to get pretty hot and I want to go home and relax after hearing all of that!"
Cosmo then said,
"I agree with Flynn, I need to think things through after everything you just told me!"
Ariella also said,
"Good idea! I do want to get out of here soon! At least we now know if we get sucked into the portal again we won't have a risk of dying because of how much life energy we have!"
I turned to my parents and asked,
"Is it okay if we go now? I think everyone needs a rest after hearing all of that! I'll come back later after I drop my friends off to talk with only you two this time. That is the reason I came here after all! Do you still have free time later if I do go now?"
My dad then said,
"I'm totally fine if you go. Also I do have more time later we can talk so don't worry!"
My dad then turned to my friends and continued to say,
"If you think of anything to ask me later about, ask my daughter. She should know everything I know! I did tell her everything about the demons and the Underworld! It is easier to ask her. You would have to go to the Underworld to ask me and I bet that would be annoying to do."
My friends nodded their heads in agreement. I then opened a portal and we all walked in.

The Unusual School Life of Silverheart BloodmoonWhere stories live. Discover now