Ep. 03 - Everyone needs practice

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Natasha spends an evening dinner with Steve and Sharon. Sharon makes him realize that she is not the one he loves. 
(long again XD)

Natasha's laugher was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, Steve noticed. He didn't mean the light chuckle when someone made a semi-funny joke. Nor did he mean the laughter one does only to be polite. He meant the one that was filled with warmth that came from a deep place within. Like her laughter right now.

Steve and Sharon had invited Natasha over for dinner. They hadn't seen each other in a long time. Someone was always out on a mission. If they were lucky, they stayed for a weekend in the same place. This was one of the lucky weekends. It was Natasha's last night in New York. Tomorrow morning she'd be off to Russia again. It felt good to see her again and reminisce about the old times.

"You're welcome by the way, Sharon." Natasha said, waving the wine glass before drinking the last sip. "For what?" His girlfriend chuckled."If it wasn't for me, Steve still wouldn't know how to kiss." Natasha joked, and Steve was instantly thrown back to the moment on the escalator. His cheeks flushed in red. He glanced over to his fiancé and noticed the confused look on her face."I was his first kiss after 1945. Trust me, he needed practice."

"What do you mean? What Kiss? "Sharon frowned yet managed to sound nice about it. He knew her well enough to detect the undertone in her voice. Steve rubbed his fingers against the glass in his hands, trying to act as nonchalantly as possible about it. "Well, you know. We were on the run and almost caught. To keep our cover, we kissed." Steve explained.

"Oh, you never told me about that, honey." she said and shifted in her seat. Sharon folded her hands and became very stiff all of a sudden. Her friendly smile almost covered the bitterness in her voice successfully. Steve shrugged, picking some crumbs off the table cloth.
"It never struck me as that important in our relationship." Sharon pressed her lips to a thin line. She didn't seem too pleased with his answer, but he also knew that she wouldn't start a fight with him before a guest. Instead, an awkward tension settled the matter for now. A tension Natasha became all too aware of. She cleared her throat and announced, "I should get going. It's getting late."

"Oh come on. Already? We barely get to see each other." Steve tried to convince her. Natasha gave him a sad smile.
"I know, but really ...I think it's best when I leave. ", her voice became quieter, sharing a glumly look with him, before adding a quick "I am on a mission tomorrow and need all the sleep I can get."
Steve lowered his head, feeling his heart shrinking a little at the thought he wouldn't be able to even contact her over the next three weeks. But he understood her well enough to not press her any further.
"I'll bring you to the door."Natasha hugged Sharon goodbye and thanked her for the lovely dinner. Then they headed to the entrance, while Sharon stayed back and started to clean the table.

Steve offered to help Natasha with her coat. She slipped in. His hands lingered on her arms a second longer, enjoying this brief moment of being close to her.
"It was a great night. I am really glad we did this." he said, letting go of her. Natasha turned and smiled at him weakly. There was a sadness in her eyes that he had noticed a while ago. He knew something was up with her, and it hurt her that she wouldn't confide in him. After all, she was his best friend.

"Me too." she replied. "I hope I haven't caused something between you and Sharon with that story." Steved wave it off.
"Don't worry about that. She was just surprised I didn't tell her. She'll calm down."
"Great. Because it seems like you finally build yourself a good life and I'd hate it if I ruined it for you. I am glad you're happy, Steve."He chuckled, looking over to Sharon.
"It appears so."His lips curled to a soft smile. Steve was captured by the sight of his girlfriend, not noticing the way Natasha looked at him. He didn't notice the deep breath she took as her eyes were filled with longing and misery. Because before he could, she put her mask back on. A fake smile plastered on her face.

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