I'm So Sorry-

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Okay, okay hear me out, I have an excuse

Adopted By The Weasley's

Character Stuff

Draft (13150 Words) Saved.

Why are there that many words in a notes page?

Well, let me tell you-

Genuinely speaking, when I decided that I wanted to rewrite the story, it was at a point where I didn't know what I was doing with said story. I didn't know what I wanted to do with Draco or what I wanted to do with the entire plot in general.

Because of this, I went through every book and wrote every paragraph that either mentions Draco or has a quote from Draco himself. From there, I began to dissect the words and build up ideas from there.

I get that I do this shit every few weeks and that you're all waiting for an update, but please understand that the prologue was written three years ago and I genuinely didn't know who killed them. I still don't know who killed them.

And while I would love to just write whatever comes to mind, I often can't improvise my writing unless I'm roleplaying someone.

With that out of the way, I would still really appreciate it if you could join my Discord server. We can be a little hectic at times, but as long as you just throw yourself into conversation every now and then or just hide in one of the lesser-used channels, you'll be just fine.

Anyway, just blame my perfectionism, and while I can't promise you'll have any content this month or the next, I can promise that it will all happen before 2022

Sincerely, me

(All of this is /gen)


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