Dont get your hopes up

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Yo, I'm gonna pop in here for a few seconds before dipping again, okay? I don't have a lot of news about this fanfic, but that doesn't mean that it's discontinued. I'm working on new chapters as we speak, and because of that, I have decided to ask y'all a question.

Do you want shorter or longer chapters?

How long would you guys want this book to go on for? (Ex. Third year to fourth year)

If any ships do end up happening, what would you guys want?

And psychology wizards want to drop a few tips about anything? (Draco won't be the only fucked up one, that's for sure)

Be patient, you losers, I'll get a few out soon. Stay safe during these trying times and try not to get too bored of this story.

Peace out ✌️

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