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The pale light of the moon covered most of the mighty grounds of Hogwarts, providing a bright light for all of the beings that lurk within the Forbidden Forest and for all the mysterious creatures that reside deep within the still waters of the great lake, but those were not the only things receiving this light oh so clearly. On the bank of the lake sat a boy, just an ordinary boy who's pale skin and hair seemed to cast a glow that gave him an angelic illusion. This made him look absolutely flawless, it almost seemed as if he were an angel sent from the heavens to inform the lower lifeforms of news from above, of course, that is not the case he is just a boy not even fourteen years of age. He is to turn fourteen in five days four hours twenty-five minutes and counting, but unlike most children his age he couldn't care less, if anything he seemed to dread reaching such a milestone in his life. This was shown in every worry line and unshed tear naked to the human eye, you see, whenever another year goes by he is reminded that he is to receive a horrible burden upon his skin and soul. When he turns seventeen he is to receive the dark mark, the dark mark is a disgusting thing branded on one's left forearm to show their so-called loyalty to the most disgusting being known to man and wizard alike, Lord Voldemort.

Like most pureblooded families, Lord Voldemort wishes to rid the world of anyone who has been tainted by non-magical blood, the rest shall remain by his side as disposable murder weapons, they may believe that he will protect them but they are sadly mistaken. Lord Voldemort was conceived under influence of a powerful love potion, this caused him to be void of any good emotions. He can only feel anger, sadness, and fear. This is no problem for him, he finds that the good emotions make people weak and he is thankful to never have to feel them. Of course, this means that he doesn't hold any emotional connections to anyone or anything, all he has are a few people that believe that he actually cares about them. Draco's Auntie, Bellatrix Lestrange is sadly one of those people. It is no surprise to him though, Bellatrix is a sociopath, most people will try to argue and say that she is obviously a psychopath but she is a lot more careless than a psychopath. Draco could argue on this topic for hours, he absolutely hates it when people don't know things. This hate was caused by hours of 'lessons' from his cowardly father. If Draco ever acted less than the best, Lucius would punish him. Usually, he used the Cruciatus Curse, but sometimes he would prefer his cane and whenever he's in a bad mood... Well, you'll find out about that sooner or later, probably whenever Draco has a panic attack or a flashback. Kind of like what's happening now.

As Draco sat by the great lake, he desperately tried to steady his terrified breathing. Trying to take deep breaths while pushing his emotions deep inside his mind. This was a tactic that the young boy was forced to learn early in life, it was absolutely necessary for a Malfoy to be able to hide his feelings. His father always told him that displaying your feelings makes you look more pathetic than you actually are. From what Draco knows, if he were to show his feelings he'd look disgustingly weak compared to the other children, possibly worse than that disgusting git, Neville Longbottom.

Draco hated everything about Neville, not only is he a Gryffindor, but his grades are absolutely pitiful, his wand technique is in desperate need of change, and he can't pronounce half of the incantations; but those are not the only things that Draco hates, no Draco also hates how loved he is. He hates how close he is to Harry. He hates that people want to be his friend for more than his last name. He absolutely despises him and no one sees that.

"Perfect fucking Longbottom, with his bloody friends. Perfect little Weasel with his fucking loyalty. Perfect Granger for her bloody smarts. Perfect fucking Potter for having all of those and more..." Draco whispered to himself with a mix of emotions clouding his voice.

Why can't Draco just be like them?
I'm making the chapters a bit shorter. I'm sorry for the long wait, I am absolute shit at getting my thoughts on paper.

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