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What's this? An update?! (one that you've been begging for, I may add)

Draco followed closely behind the elder as they entered his office, his heart beating steadily within his chest. He had been in the office a few times since he's first arrived, seeing as Potter always managed to get him in trouble. These little instances were never quite his fault, he knew this for a fact and even had quite a lot of evidence to back that up. Of course, no one ever wanted to hear it, their brain's seeming to hold onto the thought that the golden boy could to do wrong.

The teen watched in silence as Albus sat behind his desk, his face droopy with a severity in his eyes that made Draco dread what he had been pulled in here for. He was positive that he has never seen Dumblewhore look so... Dishevelled. He folded his hands behind his back, trying to stop the shakiness that spread through them. Malfoys always have to look their best, it was expected of them to do so.

"Draco... Take a seat." The sad voice drew him back to the matter at hand, causing him to obey almost immediately. He knows how to detect authority in a voice, as well as what is or is not an order. This is an order. He sat down stiffly, one leg folded over the other, his back as straight as it could be. With how sagged Albus' posture was, one would only think that Draco was the one about to do the scolding. The concept was quite humourous to the teen, but he could tell that it was not the time or place to dwell on the thought.

"May I ask why you have called me here, headmaster? I'm sure you know that I take my studies quite seriously." His voice held a monotonous drone to it, one that could easily rival Snape's. He tried to make it seem like their substitute had actually been there, hoping that the old coot was too distracted to have caught the lie. To Draco's dismay, the headmaster seemed to ignore him altogether.

Albus moved to rest his arms on his desk, leaning heavily on them. He seemed quite conflicted which himself, his eyes staring at Draco's tie. It was soon becoming quite obvious that something was very wrong... If someone with the authority that Albus holds was averting his eyes, it only made sense that the matter at hand was quite severe. As much as Draco would like to deny it, he could feel a familiar weight form in his stomach, dread flowing through him like the blood below his skin.

"Sir." He clenched his jaw, his glare not fully masking the fear in his voice. Though Draco saw his fear as a flaw, everyone else knew that it was completely natural. He was just a child, after all, barely fourteen. Though as most of his peers know, his mental age does not match his physical age at all. As far as everyone else is concerned, he's more like a depressed adult than a lively teenager. It's the sad truth, and though one would love to change it, only Draco has the power to do so.

"Forgive me, young Draco... I...-" He was cut off with the sudden presence of two more people, his bright blue eyes watering up as he gave a sad smile to them. Albus stood, his hands folding politely behind his back. "Ah... Forgive me, Draco, but... I believe it will be much better if I leave you three to speak in private." He walked over, placing a gentle hand on the blonde's shoulder. "You're in good hands, Draco... And I'm so terribly sorry that I didn't tell you earlier." He left before Draco could even say anything.


He paused at the sound of the voice, a brow arching in slight curiosity. Draco recognized that voice, but he couldn't think of where he knew it from. It was obviously male, and the pitch of it made him think that it was someone over forty, or at least close to it...

Strange... It sounds a bit like...

Draco's eyes widened as he stood up, turning around so fast that he almost got whiplash. What he saw made all colour slip from his face, his stomach lurching as he saw the red hair and sad smiles. The Weasley's were standing at the door. Molly... and Arthur. His parents favourite couple to gossip about. They were as poor as dirt, and seemed to breed like rabbits. Seven kids, and yet they still took in Potter and the mud blood. It makes him sick to think about.

"I... I think you may want to sit down for this, dearie... We have something to tell you." Molly took a few cautious steps towards him, approaching Draco like one would approach a scared animal. Well, he isn't scared, and he isn't an animal. What, do they think him a ferret? The Weasley's never fail to be absolute pains. Fuck, he could feel himself losing brain cells just by breathing the same air that they were. Despite all of this, Draco obeyed, slowly turning and sitting back down. What did they want with him, and why was it so important?
The way the two were looking at him wasn't something he liked. They stared at him like if they made one wrong movement, he'd fall apart. It was no secret that the couple believed him to be fragile, and why they did so wasn't something that Draco could be sure of. All he knew was that their piercing gazes sent shivers down his spine. He felt like he was being lead to a guillotine, facing execution for the things he has done in the past. There was truly no other reason for them to be there than to tell him off for how he's been to their 'children'...
But... If that was the case... Why were there tears in Molly's eyes?
Everything about the current situation made his head metaphorically spin, his thoughts twirling within his mind, pushing up against his skull. All of his questions were beginning to build up, his excuses and lies following quickly behind. He didn't particularly enjoy getting in trouble, it was something that happened quite often, but he never could get used to being scolded. This was a lot different than all of those other times though... At least when it came to being pulled in here by a professor, he had full understanding of the situation. Right now, he could be seen as clueless...

"Draco... Something happened..."

"Lucius... Lucius and Narcissa..."

"They're dead."


Yes, I know. It's a short update, but at least it's out. I decided to cut it right here so the next chapter can sort of focus on what happens after he learns such a thing.

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