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double update?!?! i think yes 

Liam: 28

Louis: 28

Niall: 3

Liam and Louis have been wanting to adopt a child for three years now. They were told from the beginning that it wouldn't be easy to adopt a child, that it would take a couple of months or years. It's been three years, and Louis and Liam were getting impatient.

They wanted a kid now. They've been married for four years, and the four years have been nothing but amazing to them, and they wanted to complete their family with a little boy or girl running around the house.

They wanted the full experience.

Liam always said that the day would come, that one day they would get the call saying that they could adopt, but Louis' been losing hope.

Louis was actually doing some housework today, which was rare for the lad when his phone rang.

Without even bothering to check the caller ID, Louis answered the phone call.


"Yes, hi, is this Lewis Payne?"

"Yes, but it's Louis. Who's this?"

"This is Macy. I know that it's been three years since we've had our last converstion, but there's a little boy who's three and I think that you and Liam would be the perfect match for him."

Louis gasped, "What?"

"His names Niall. Before you adopt him, you'll have to meet him, would you like to set up an appointment?"


"How does tomorrow morning work for you? 11:30?"

"That's perfect."

"Okay Lewis, see you then."

Louis didn't even correct her, he was too busy crying over the fact that he would finally be able to get his baby boy.

Louis fell on his knees and began to sob, not being able to believe that tomottor he'd meet his future son. Not believing that his family would finally be complete.

Louis let out a wail, causing his husband to come running, "Babe what's the matter?"


Liam held his breath, "What about Macy?"

"She found someone."

Liam's face broke into a smile, "Who?"

"His names Niall and he's three. We have an appointment to meet him tomorrow at 11:30."

Liam let out a cheer, throwing himself on the floor to hug Louis, kissing his husband over and over again, before getting up to call the rest of the family and tell them the exciting news.


Louis kept messing about with his hair.

"Lou, come on it's time to go, if we don't go now we're gonna be late," Liam called.

Louis walked into the car and put on his seatbelt, looking over at Liam who already pulled out of the driveway, "What if he doesn't like us?"

Liam let out a laugh, "He's going to love us. We're amazing with kids."

Louis sighed gently and nodded his head a bit.

Fifteen minutes later they pulled up at the adoption center and walked in.

"Lewis! Liam!" Macy called out, smiling.

"Louis," Louis corrected.

"Sorry," Macy said sheepishly, "Anyways, want to meet Niall? He's right upstairs, having a little snack."

Louis and Liam nodded their heads and started walking, noticing that Macy wasn't leading them.

"Uhhh, Macy?" Liam asked.

"I have another case to work on. You won't miss it. I've already told him so much about you, just go upstairs and he'll come to you."

Louis and Liam nodded their heads, grabbed each others hands and walked up the stairs.

They opened the door to a playroom, seeing little kids running all over the place.

They kept looking and looking, but no one came up to them.

They were about to give up hope when a little boy shyly walked up to them, hugging his little teddy bear.

"Awe you Lou-ee and L-ee-um?"

The couple nodded rapidly.

"I Niall," The boy said shyly.

Louis smiled, "I'm Louis. That's a pretty neat teddy bear you have there."

Niall smiled, his cheeks turning a bit red, "T'ank you!"

"What's his name?" Liam asked.


"Why cookie?"

"'Cause I love cookies!"

Louis gasped dramatically, "Me too!"

Niall gasped dramatically and turned to Liam, "You?"

"I also like cookies"

Niall clapped his hands in excitement.

"Niall. What do you think about me and Liam being your daddies?"

Niall put a finger on his chin, "Ok."

"Let's go tell Macy, and then we'll go home today."

Niall's eyes widened, "Today?!"

Liam looked confused, "Yes today, bud."

Niall looked down at his shoes sadly, "Soz. Can't go today."

Louis' eyes widened, "Why not?"

"Because Ms.Becca makin' her pasta! And I wove her pasta."

Louis looked down, "Aw. Now we can't do what I wanted us to do once we got home."

"What?" Niall asked.

"Eh, what's the point of telling if you're not even gonna come?"

"Why, Daddy?" Niall asked again.

Louis was too shocked to speak. He'd been speaking to the younger boy for less than ten minutes and he was already comfortable enough with Liam to refer to him as a parental figure?

Niall pouted when Louis didn't answer and turned to Liam, "Papa, why daddy not answerin?"

Louis choked on his spit.

Niall pouted once again when Louis didn't answer, and tears built up into his eyes, "Tell me, pwease."

Louis cleared his throat, "Well we were just gonna make some cookies-"


"Yeah, but I guess now you can't have some. They'll all be gone by tomorrow."

"Wanna go."


"Home, Daddy. Gots to make cookies!"

"Okay let's go home."

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