Chapter 5

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Only Another Beginning

Chapter 5

Wednesday morning passed with Draco mostly asleep. Hermione had told Harry that the potion would cause him to sleep through most of the day which would not only ease the symptoms of his flu but also, and more importantly, the withdrawal. However, when Harry had brought Draco some lunch (soup and a sandwich) the blond had been grumpy, snapping at him that he wasn't hungry and just wanted to sleep. Knowing it was no use forcing the former Slytherin to eat, Harry had left him alone and had busied himself with some housework – which was a rather easy task ever since Hermione had showed Harry how to charm muggle household machines such as a vacuum cleaner to work on their own. Harry's, however, seemed to be rather stupid because it kept bumping into a pottet yuca palm that stood by the window of his flat.

So, after vacuuming the rest of his carpet the regular way, he had made some dinner for himself, eating while zapping through the channels and rolling his eyes at the fictional display of magic on Charmed and wondering where those muggle script writers got their ideas.

At around half past seven he warmed up some of the pasta he had made in the microwave (not even magic was easier and faster than that) and went to his – or rather Draco's, at present – bedroom, tray in hands.

At first he thought the blond was asleep as he still lay buried under his covers without moving as Harry came in. As he moved towards the bed, though, he saw that Draco’s eyes were open, even if he didn’t turn his gaze towards the dark-haired as he stepped closer.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked calmly, swearing to himself that he would simply ignore any bad moods from the blond. He put the contents of the tray on the bedside table, and the half empty soup bowl as well as the empty plate where the sandwich had been on back on the tray. At least the blond had eaten something.

“How do you think I’m feeling?” was his answer, hissed, accompanied with a deadly glare.

Harry shrugged. Frankly, he had no idea, but judging from the way Draco behaved and from what he had heard it couldn't be pleasant. "Probably like shit, but it'll get better soon, I'm sure."

The blond snorted. “Of course you’re sure. You don’t have a fucking clue, but you’re sure.”

Harry had a hard time not to roll his eyes. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he took the plate with steaming hot pasta in his hands, hoping the scent would rouse Draco's appetite. "Look, I really don't have a 'fucking clue' what it's like, and I can see that it's bothering you a great deal, but I am sure it'll get better. Hermione said the potion will take a few days to get everything out of your system, but it'll be a lot faster and easier than going through this without any remedy."

“I’m such a lucky person,” Draco answered, voice dripping with sarcasm. But before Harry had time to blink twice, he had sat up in his bed, and jerked the plate out of Harry’s hands, beginning to eat immediately.

"Well, dig in," Harry said, slightly amused although he did feel sorry for the blond.

For the time being Draco ignored him – he looked like he hadn’t eaten in days, even though Harry knew that this wasn’t true. At least he behaved that way.

"Well, glad to see you still have your appetite," Harry said, smiling. "But you should definitely drink more. The bottle of water I gave you this morning is still almost full."

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now