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Only Another Beginning


"And you're saying, Mr Malfoy, that you would no longer engage in the use of Dark Magic, that you've changed your attitude regarding blood-purity and that you will use your abilities responsibly?"

It sounded more like a final admonition than a real question, for it seemed to be quite clear to the twelve members of the Wizengamot that Draco no longer was the same person he had been when he had last sat in this room. Most of the questions had been asked by Timothy Madrigal himself, and Draco had been thankful that he hadn't really wanted to hear much on how exactly Draco had earned his money during those five years. The minister knew about everything, however, because Hermione had informed him, but he was decent enough not to make it a big affair in front of all the people present: Ministry employees, press, curious audience and of course Harry. The Weasleys were there too, and Draco had been surprised to find Mrs Weasley wishing him good luck before the hearing had started. Draco hadn't been involved in the attack that had cost Ron's life more than five years ago, but still it had been his people who had robbed Mrs Weasley of her son. It was even more surprising that she didn't blame him in the slightest.

“Yes,” Draco heard himself reply without hesitation but with a calm and steady voice. And it even was the truth. What should he be doing with Dark Magic now that the Dark Lord was gone anyway? There was no need anymore to think about things like the safety of his parents, or the wishes of his father. Back then he had been sixteen, and if he was honest, scared out of his mind, for which he now had no need anymore. And concerning muggles – he had lived as one of them for five years. If that didn’t help someone change his attitude, he thought a little sarcastically, then probably nothing would.

“Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to say for the last hour.”

One of the members of the Wizengamot, an old, grim looking wizard whose name Draco had forgotten, snorted with dislike. Madrigal, however, only smiled and nodded.

"Very well. That said I have no reason to doubt you'll be able to find your way back into the wizarding world and be a useful member to this society – probably with Mr Potter's and Miss Granger's help. We do, however, have to stick to the formalities of this hearing. May I ask the Wizengamot to decide on this matter now? Those in favour of revoking Mr Malfoy's ban and letting him re-enter our world shall raise their hands."

For a split second Draco’s breath caught in his throat, but then hands started to go up, and he suddenly felt very light. That was enough – that definitely was enough.

He didn’t even count how many members of the Wizengamot didn’t raise their hands, it didn’t matter. Draco closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in deeply, trying to calm his heart that was beating as if it wanted to get out of his chest.

It was enough.

"Eight to four in favour of the motion," Madrigal announced, smiling. What Harry had said about him was true, he did seem to be a more considerate and just Minister than the previous ones Draco had known. He was still quite young for the position, not even forty yet and – Draco had to admit – even quite good-looking with brown hair and sharp blue eyes that seemed both youthful and wise.

"Mr Malfoy, you are hereby returned full rights as a member of the wizarding world. Furthermore your rightfully inherited property shall be restored. As for your family's gold that has been confiscated by the Ministry you shall make payment to the restoration fund that has been established after the war in an amount yet to be fixed. The hearing is hereby closed."

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now