Chapter 7

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Only Another Beginning

Chapter 7

It was late afternoon when Harry hung up the phone after having talked to Nigel for a bit. His colleague, despite not being his supervisor, was the one to be informed about important things – or at least he wanted to. It wasn't like he was controlling Harry or his work, but Nigel had a sometimes a bit exhausting need for cooperation and communication. After having gone over some of the correspondence between the Wizarding Relations Department and the Ministry Harry had told Nigel he'd be back on Monday, although the thought of leaving Draco alone all day was a bit troublesome for Harry. He didn't really think the blond would break his word and try to get away, and also Harry could still put up the wards like he did every time when he left the house, but what if Draco felt worse again or needed something? Well, Harry would just have to try not to worry too much.

He just wanted to go to the bedroom to check on the blond who had laid down for a nap some time ago when the phone rang again. This time it was Hermione who told Harry she needed to talk to him tomorrow because she might have news for him. Harry suggested to floo over to her place in the morning so they could discuss the matter alone and she agreed.

Finally, he put the phone away and opened the door to the bedroom where the curtains were drawn shut and only some faint light fell through a small gap between them.

He could see the outlines of Draco’s body underneath the covers, lying on the side, facing the wall. It seemed like he was asleep, because he didn’t react as Harry stepped into the room, didn’t even stir.

Feeling somewhat tired himself, Harry decided that a nap wouldn't be a bad idea. He could go and sleep on the couch as well, but then again his bed was so much more comfortable. And Draco didn't seem to mind them sharing; he had offered it himself yesterday. So Harry, who was wearing comfortable sweat pants and a t-shirt, got into the bed as well, draping the covers loosely around himself and closing his eyes.

Barely two minutes had passed, and Harry had been dozing off already, as the body next to him shifted a little. “H-Harry?”

"Hm?" He asked, opening his eyes a bit reluctantly and raising his head.

Draco had turned around on the bed – perhaps he hadn’t been asleep after all. But as their eyes locked, Harry could see something that startled him. There was a scared look in those grey eyes.

His brow furrowed, Harry brought up a hand to touch Draco's shoulder softly. "What is it?"

And now that he touched him, he felt the other’s body shaking softly. Again.

“I… it’s…”

Harry couldn't help but feeling his heart sinking. He had thought Draco was over the worst part and now feared it was getting nasty again. Neither did he want the other to suffer again nor to have to struggle with him and go through a row of fights and yelling. "Did you take your potion?"

“Yes.” The blond looked helpless, curled up in Harry’s bed, with that almost frightened look in his eyes. “I – I thought this was supposed to be over now –“
"So did I," Harry confessed, worried. "It's not getting as bad as Wednesday, though, is it?"

Draco seemed to consider this for a moment, then shook his head.

Breathing out in relief, Harry gave him a smile, his hand running in soothing circles over the blond's upper arm. "I suppose it's just one of those small relapses then. It'll be over in a bit. But I guess that's why you're supposed to take the potion for two weeks."

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now