Vigenette I

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Title: Only Another Beginning
Authors: leandralocke & narya86
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Summary: Almost half a year has passed since Draco has left his life on the streets of London behind. That day, he and Harry walk a bittersweet trip down memory lane.

Only Another Beginning

Vignette I

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they’d mean everything to me
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

It was an almost inappropriately pleasant day, Draco thought, as he and Harry apparated to the small cemetery in the wizarding village close to the Burrow. The sun shone brightly and didn't seem to fit the rather sad occasion that brought the two young men here. Even though Ron's death had occurred over five years ago, Draco knew that it still bothered Harry a great deal – especially on days like this one.

"It's over there," Harry said, shooting Draco a small smile over his shoulder that didn't seem to reach his eyes. He led the way over the narrow gravel path to a large willow tree at the end of the cemetery. There were several neatly arranged graves with polished headstones and flowers or low bushes, but even before the blond could read the inscription his gaze fell upon a grave with recently brought flowers, a nice bouquet of several warm and bright colours and beside it a single orange rose.

As Harry’s gaze was fixed upon that one grave, Draco guessed that this one must indeed be the one of Ron Weasley. After a short glance in his boyfriend’s direction, the blond reached out to gently grab hold of Harry’s hand as they walked towards the grave.

Harry leaned into the contact, their shoulders touching lightly.

"The Weasleys were here already," he explained, pointing to the colourful bouquet as they stopped in front of the grave. "And Hermione, too. She always brings an orange rose. It was Ron's favourite colour."

That comment made a smile twitch around the corners of Draco’s mouth. “Cannons, huh?” he asked quietly while reading the inscription upon the gravestone.

Ronald Bilius Weasley
*01.03.1980 †23.08.1998
Beloved son, brother and friend.
Your courage and warmth will never be forgotten.

Harry nodded and smiled, but again the expression seemed rather weak, lacking the usual radiance of his smiles. "He'd always been a big fan."

A hardly audible sigh left Harry's lips and he let go of Draco's hand, kneeling in front of the grave. In his other hand he held two beautiful daffodils, one crimson and the other golden – another reminiscence of things Ron used to love and treasure in his life. Laying the flowers gently on the grave Harry stayed on his knees, looking at the head stone for a few moments without a word.

Draco didn’t exactly know how to behave in a situation like this. It wasn’t like he really grieved for Ron’s death, considering that they had never been even remotely close to something like friends – it just hurt him to see Harry sad.

As he thought that saying anything would be quite inappropriate, he only silently stepped closer, behind Harry, and softly laid a hand on his shoulder. Just to be there, but still giving him his time.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now