Chapter Eighteen: When the Truth Hurts the Most

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And he told them everything he knew, starting from the beginning of it all

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And he told them everything he knew, starting from the beginning of it all. All while Argent continued to sleep peacefully, the fever now had broken. He would tell the boy the tale when he was older. There were things he wouldn't understand and other parts that weren't suited for a child to hear. Iver sat at the desk, and Ordephus had settled at the foot of the bed. Noctifer, on the other hand, insisted on leaning against the wall despite Ordephus saying he could pull a chair from the workshop.

He told them how a dragoness named Larrag had fallen for a human, and out of pure desperation had traveled to Illovona where she begged Faerie King Agkael to give her a human body. He asked for her firstborn in return, and she foolishly agreed. She awoke in the woods soon after, where she then met the man and learned his name: Zahn. They quickly fell in love, and immediately began planning their future together. That all came to a startling halt, however, as they soon realized she was with child despite not having laid together previously. So he cast her out, believing she had betrayed him. Heartbroken, Larrag then traveled back to Illovona to demand the King to explain what he had done to her. Her response was only a smirk as he repeated the conditions: He would give her a human body if she gave him her firstborn. King Agkael and the Dragoness Larrag were wed, and she wept bitterly all throughout.

Thus was born Agkaneel; the first of the dragonkind.

It would be another twenty years before she escapes, having had ten of Agkael's children. Dragonkind sons. She then found Zahn once more, telling him all that had happened and the truth of her form. They would lay together that evening after reconciling, and she made sure to lay with her husband that night as well. The Faerie King didn't know of her infidelity until her eleventh son was born: A child with brown hair and clear blue eyes. The same as the child's true father, a human.

"So how did you end up with this?" Noctifer asked, referring to Ordephus' white hair and red eyes.

"My hair is due to age, believe it or not," he replied with a small smile, but it soon disappeared as he continued. "My eyes, however, well . . ."

Enraged, Agkael tried to take the infant from Larrag's arms, but she ran. She ran as far and as fast as she could. But she was soon cornered at the Cliffs of Kur'u. Seeing that she was prepared to fight, her teeth sharp and scales climbing up her neck as two horns now perched on her head, the Faerie King set his final plan into motion. He knew the dragoness would not give up easily, so he had captured the very human that started it all. With her lover before her, bloodied and bruised, she was given a choice: The life of her lover, or the life of her newborn son. But she could not answer. So with a fatal blow, the Faerie King killed the human and cursed the eyes of the child with the blood of his father.

No one quite knows the cause of Larrag's fate after that. Some say she stepped back in horror, while others say the unstable ground crumbled beneath her feet. But there are those who say she jumped, unable to stand the torture any longer. The place she was believed to have fallen became known as Larrag's Heart.

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