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TW: cursing, corny friends-to-lovers scenarios, ego bursts lol, no beta we die like men
NOTE: I stopped caring if this fic was corny this is literally self-indulgent. Also, I finally quit my job everyone!! The one that stopped me from writing and stole my youth and inspiration lol. Now I finally got a job offer at the place I've always wanted to work. Life is good rn, I hope it is for y'all too.




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"Hey, look, I know you like Yuji."

Dark skies stood outside with a crispy coldness to its morning atmosphere. Winter passed through with flying colors, but (Y/N) blamed it on her training with Yuji, which always seemed too short no matter the long hours they spent with each other. Everyone could tell spring was on its way as a few hardy flowers began to sprout from the cracks in Tokyo's concrete sidewalks. The only problem was that Winter clearly didn't want to leave them as much as they wanted to leave Winter.

(Y/N) ran up to Mika with white clouds puffing from her open mouth, stopping Mika in her tracks as they tread to school.

She turned around to look back at (Y/N) with a solemn smile, almost content, in a way.

"I can help you out. Trick him into a few dates—he'll just think you're a persistent lover. He loves a chase, trust me, I know. Look, he's coming!"

(Y/N) huffed and puffed because she ran from Yuji to get Mika alone. She always appreciated that he wanted to walk her everywhere, but, sometimes, you just need alone time! This was one of those times!

(Y/N) even conjured a whole plan that was foolproof so Mika could have her happy ending with Yuji, but Mika shook her head at (Y/N)'s proposal.

"No,'s okay. I think he already found someone."

She began another jog away when Yuji came around the corner, who looked at (Y/N)'s stunned figure and Mika's retreating one.

"H-hey, wait!"

"Why were you running?! Was this a race I had no idea about?" Yuji jogged to (Y/N).

She finally caught her breath and only sighed, lightly pushing Yuji's shoulder.

"A girl needs some alone time."

"Nu-uh. Not with me. C'mon, let's race!"

"No! You know I have grandpa knees!"

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