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     ~{{I'm the original concept for this story, I 
          Had added three characters of mine.
    -Sono, Rodina (Mama Rodi), and Insomnium-
          However I don't think that it would be
         pleasing to a LARGE number of readers;
           considering a lot of people don't like
              when OCs are added into a story-
        The characters are rather important to
         Have in the storyline, but I don't want
            Ta upset anyone with having them.
        PA-LEASE Tell me what I should do since
   I have absolutely NO freaking clue- I did think
          Ta make two versions of each chapter,
       But my Lazy Ass says it's too much work-
           I am absolutely stumped, and would
              Appreciate if you could add some
         Input on the matter- tyty- I'm a third of
              The way into the next chapter so-
          By the fourth chapter I'm gonna need
         Ta know if I'm able ta have these three
     In this story. I know it offends some people,
        And I want ta avoid that. Please let me
           Know, yours truly,

       The indecisive dumbass known as Vixen~

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