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{{??? POV}}

"Now Darlin'... Dont'cha think y'er being a lil too mean, hi'din in da shadows li' dis?" I turned to face the thin waisted demon in the doorway. "Oh c'mon!... I should have a bit a' fun wit' their minds. After all.... It ain't every day someone died twice." The figure walked closer, a thin black blob looking demon following close behind.

"Sure Hun. But I 'tink you outta hurry 'n get dis show on the road. Can't fool 'round too long... The plan gotta happen soon; whiles we got The Radio Demon on ta line." The she-demon circled me.

"I must agree. Stringing him along is not our goal. However he Must stay intrigued in you, enough so that your return won't be of your former name." The blob spoke from his place on a wooden chair. Anyone would have been sared by The demoness' stern look, and intimidating posture as she spoke; but I wasn't anyone. "Yep. An' remember. Ain't nobody gonna know who we is till de final cur' in call. Ot' erwise ol' Lucy will has me Sent back. An yous goin upstairs."

I walked to the window of our 'residence' and looked out at the Large city known as New York. "Well then... Les' give em a show ta remember...."

219 words

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