Chapter 5

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I knew Raven would be upset from the way I was looking at Donna in the living room but my eyes are only on Raven. She's the only person I want to be around and care about. She's so strong and she doesn't even know. She gave me Titus and while Titus is a loyal dog, he's always there to protect her when I can't. I'm too embarrassed to admit my emotions towards Raven. Emotions weren't something my mother and grandfather thought were necessary for a born assassin. Until I met Raven I never truly understood feelings. While I would feel certain ways when I was with my father I was never comfortable enough to talk about it to him. We don't exactly get along.

She had fallen asleep while reading her book, it open laying on her stomach. I closed my book setting it down on the bed in front of me. I reached over towards her grabbing her book slowly trying not to wake her. I close it and place it on my nightstand, then I pull a throw blanket over top of her. I go back to reading my book and I few minutes go by when she rolls over and curls into the side of me. I brush her fallen hair out of her face and she looked so peaceful.

A couples hours had gone by and Raven was still asleep but she started to whimper. She up quickly, "Talia!" She shouted. How does she know my mother's name. She turned to me grabbing trying to hold on like she was about to fall from a building. "Talia's here, she's alive." She panicked.

I grabbed her shaking hands. "Hey, hey, relax. Tell me what's going on, what do you mean she's alive?" I asked her.

"It's the same woman from last night, she told me her name and that she was alive." She said frantically trying to catch her breath. "Who is she Damian?" She asked.

I got up from my bed and walked across my room. I went to the desk I had set up in there in a locked drawer I had some personal stuff I didn't want anyone to see. I pulled out a picture and brought it back over to the bed for her to see. She grasped it and knitted her eyes together as she starred at a picture of a woman and her baby.

"Turn it over." I told her. When she flipped on it said Talia and Damian with the year I was born. She looked up at me in surprise. "Talia is my mother she died years ago before I came to the tower."

"I'm sorry," she said hanging her head.

"Don't be, she wasn't exactly the nicest person or mother. She never showed love or affection." I told her. This was something I never shared with her but I knew I could trust her with it.

"Why can I see her in my dream and why is she saying she's alive?" She asked me, handing the picture back to me.

"I don't know but it's best for everyone if she isn't alive." I told her. My mother is dangerous she only does things for her own personal gain, she doesn't care if you're family or not, she only looks out for herself.

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