Chapter 6

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Damian seemed lost in thought staring at the picture of his mother and him.

"Damian is everything okay?" I asked.

"Not really but can we move on from this for now?" He got up heading back towards his desk. He opens the locked drawer placing the photo back in there. When came back to the bed I shuffled a little so I that I could comfort him. I sat right next to him with my hand on his back.

"It's okay Damian you know I'm always here." He nodded his head. "Why don't we get something to eat?" I assume he agrees to get food since he gets up and throws a on a hoodie. He threw me one in the color red, I was just going to wear mine but I'm okay with wearing one of his. I put Titus on his leash not that he needs one, but people tend to be afraid of him on the street.

I open a portal and we walk through in an ally where we know it's not in view of passerby's. Damian walks with his hands in his pockets staying quiet. What I said about his mother being alive must have really spooked him. I mean I know if I were in his shoes I would be spooked too. To have my emotionless harsh mother come back from the dead.

We came up on a little restaurant with out door seating so that we could have Titus with us. It was a little pizzeria different than the one we usually order from. I sat at a table outside in their patio area with Titus; he laid down and that was when I was able to just drop his leash.

"Do you want pepperoni?" Damian asks me.

"Yes, please." I tell him. He walks inside and I watch him as he stands at the counter ordering. He comes back out through the front door and the little chimes ring as the door moves. Damian comes up form behind me and passes me to sit in the chair across from me. 

I think that maybe I shouldn't have said anything about his mother, had I known it would have caused him to be so stand off-ish. He stared at the table in front of us and I watched him carefully until the door chimes dinged and we heard the shuffling feet of a younger teenage kid. The redheaded kid placed the pizza down on the table with some plates then walked back inside. Damian leaned forward and grabbed a slice, only to go back into staring at the table again.

I could only get through three slices and Damian made it to the only one he had. At this point it was time to leave, so I got a box from inside and packed up our food. Damian got up and started walking back towards the little ally so that I could portal us to the tower. 

I grabbed Titus's leash and chanced down Damian with the left over pizza in hand. I tripped on air and almost face planted but Damian's hands were reached out towards me, holding me up with one hand in front of my stomach and the other on my left elbow.

"Thank you," I said. He barely even looked at me, setting me aback.

"It's fine." Was all he said to me before I opened the portal for us to get back to the tower.

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