Chapter 13

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I was in the middle of meeting with those people Lady Shiva had suggested to me months ago when I all of a sudden heard her voice in my head.

'Damian,' she said I looked around thinking I would be able to see her. 'I'm here,' when she spoke that time she seemed distressed. I then heard a commotion uprise from outside the room I was in with. I look to them then head out of the room falling the crowd of assassins which was to the courtyard. 

There she was on the ground on her knees, she was drain of her powers and had no energy. I rush to her pushing through the assassins. I make it to her and she looks up at me, when I bend down in front of her she reaches up her hands grabbing my arms.

"Damian," a small smile appeared on her face then disappeared. I helped her up and helped her walk into the compound. I took her to the small infirmary we had with Lady Shiva in toe. I passed the people I was meeting with earlier and they all watched as I carried Raven to the infirmary. I would have to reschedule with them, she was just way more important to me.

I sat her down in the bed shockingly she was still awake by now she would have been asleep trying to heal. Lady Shiva closes the door with her on the other side, she knows to continue the assassins training and to escort the people I was meeting with away.

She hung her head low, she looked awful. Who would have down this to her? My first thought was Trigon, and that we needed to fight back now before everything went to hell. I sat next to her on the bed and grab her face gently to inspect the bruise formed on her cheek. She grabbed my wrist pulling it away.

"I'm fine I'll heal soon you won't even remember it's there." She says. I get up and open a cupboard grabbing supplies to clean the somewhat dried blood that came from her mouth. I brought everything back towards her on the bed and started to put a cleaning solution on a cotton pad. I grab her chin softly so that she's looking up at me. I wipe the blood thoroughly from her face and anywhere else I may see it. She looks at me with her amethyst eyes and I remember everything from before when we were in the tower. I remember the she made me feel and as much as I tried pushing it away knowing I would be here forever, seeing her brings everything back to me.

I dispose of the used cotton pads then return the cleaning solution to the cupboard. I've never seen her marked up like this before. Whoever they were fighting must have drained her powers or caused her to fight till her powers were drained must be bad since she clearly had to go into hand to hand combat. Good thing I trained her a little.

"Damian?" She spoke finally.

"Yes?" I sat myself next to her on the bed again.

"Have you killed anyone?" She asks strangely knowing I have before we met, but does that mean she has and now she's feeling guilt.

"Well before we met, yo-," She interrupted me.

"No I mean since you've been here." Where would she have gotten that idea from.

"No I haven't even left this compound since coming here." I said. "Why?"

"Because I saw you killing a man." This concerned me because I haven't killed anyone in almost six years now.

"I wouldn't and I haven't you know that." She looked over at me with worry in her eyes. But instead of saying anything she reached over and hugged me. I could tell she needed this. I needed this. It pains me that I can't tell her how I feel about her.

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