Part 5

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She pulled the trigger. I closed my eyes not having the courage to look at Jimin’s lifeless body. But I soon opened my eyes hearing Aera shouting “Leave me you moron.” I saw Jungkook holding Aera’s hand and Jimin just taking the gun from her hand and throwing it to one of our men. I quickly ran over to him and hugged him. “I am sorry I wasn’t there to protect you” “Shhhh...It’s not your fault”

Back to present:

I can’t believe I made a huge mistake. Without thinking twice I ran to the room where the meeting was supposed to be held. I barged into the room only to find Aera and Jimin kissing.

Jimin’s pov:
I was very excited for today as I had planned everything to propose y/n. I was supposed to attend the meeting today after which I would take her to a restaurant and propose. I came early for the meeting as I was supposed to go through some key points for my designer. I had no clue who the new designer was. All i knew was y/n had appointed one from one of her partner companies. I went and sat in the meeting room. After a few mins I could hear a knock and in came the person who I feared the most “A-Aera…” “Hello Jimin. I think it has been such a long time since we both met” “What are you doing here?” “Didn’t y/n inform you that I will be your new designer” “Are you kidding me?Y/n would never do that” “Think about it Jimin. She approved all the things about your designer personally, didn’t she? Also she told me to take good care of you” With she came in my direction, opening a few top buttons she held my neck to kiss me. I pushed her off. “Don’t you ever think that i will trust your words and don’t come near me you literally disgust me” “Oh honey you wanna know something there is already someone pointing a Sniper at y/n from a distance. Don’t believe me, look outside the window.” I turned to look out the window and there was a guy pointing a gun in the direction of y/n’s office. Before I could say anything Aera turned my face in her direction and kissed me. Before I could push her away I heard the door flung open and saw y/n looking at me and crying,her palm covering her mouth. I fucked up real bad. “Y/n i know this looks bad but-” she cut me off while still crying “How could you do this Jimin.” “You see Y/n Jimin always loved me and now that he has found me he doesn’t need you” At that moment I knew she was heartbroken. I hung my face low, not able to see her crying face as it hurt my heart to see her like this. “How could you let this bitch even come near you.” I looked up to see Y/n pointing a gun in Aera’s direction. I was confused to see her reaction.

Y/n’s pov:

 “Y/n-” “I know everything Jimin” “I saw everything through the cam in the room while coming here” “Now you Aera better keep your hands to yourself because i am not letting you go this time around” As i was talking to Aera suddenly Jimin came and hugged me, I started hugging him back but suddenly I heard a gunshot. My eyes went wide, I broke the hug to see some tears in Jimin’s eyes. Someone shot him from the building in front(Gets hollywood vibes). I saw blood on his back. Aera shot Namjoon in his leg(assume her targeting skill is bad)she then turned to me to shoot me just then I closed my eyes while hugging a still breathing Jimin and said “I love you, Jimin.”

I then closed my eyes to accept my faith. The shots were fired , This is it I thought why don’t I feel pain. I opened my eyes and Aera was lying there dead with a bullet in her heart. I looked at the door and saw Jungkook with his men. “Shhh. Namjoon had called me to come here in case anything goes wrong” “Jungkook, Jimin-he he was shot. He took a bullet for me. He-” “Let’s get him to the hospital asap” I nodded.

At hospital:

“He is losing alot of blood” “Quickly take him to the ER” “Doctor he has lost a lot of blood we need to pump in blood”

“Doctor what is happening?Is he ok?” I was asking questions to the doctor like a maniac. If anything was to happen to him I wouldn't be able to control myself. I can’t even think of my life without him in it. 

“He is stable now. If you were even a minute late I don’t think he would have made it. But we need a blood donor for him asap. We are trying our best to find his blood type but he has a very rare blood type which makes it difficult to find a blood donor.” “What is his blood type?” I asked hysterically “O-” “Doctor i have the same blood type you can take mine” I said quickly not even wanting to waste a single second. 

Next day:

Others went home yesterday but I couldn’t go home alone where me and Jimin used to live. His absence would only make things worse for me. I decided to stay at the hospital. Jungkook said that he will catch everyone who were in Aera’s plan and that he would be back by tomorrow morning. I couldn’t sleep the whole night. I just kept looking at Jimin’s body laying there. Oh how I missed his sarcasm.If he was here he would surely make a joke on his own condition. 

“Hey Y/nie. How is Jimin’s condition now?” “The doctor will come shortly to update about his condition” “Don’t worry He is a tough ass, he will surely get through this” “I know” I slightly smiled. After Jimin was shot I couldn’t even bother to look at how I was looking. Jungkook signalled me to just wash my face and change into different clothes. I went to the room next door to change. Ahh yes we also cleared out the whole floor and transferred the patients to a different hospital and also paid for their bills. We couldn’t take any more risks. I quickly changed and came back to sit beside Jimin. As I was busy cleaning Jimin’s face I Didn’t notice the doctor enter the room. “I think he has a strong support system,” I smiled. “He sure does. Btw Dr. How is he?” “ Miss. Y/n his condition is better but he is still in coma and we can’t be sure when he will wake up. It all depends on how his body recovers.” I knew seeing the wounds on his perfect body that it would be something serious but I still held my  hopes high, telling myself that he is fine. The doctor’s word pierced through my soul. He is in this condition because of me. He wouldn’t be like this if only he didn’t meet me. I started crying hysterically, I couldn’t feel my legs. Jungkook held my arms to prevent me from falling. I hugged him tightly as if my life depended on that hug. “It’s all my fault Jungkook. It’s because of me that he has to go through all of this.” “Ar-r-are You thinking about leaving him?” he asked.

And that's how my love story beganWhere stories live. Discover now