5. Partners

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Roses POV

"Harry." I Breathed and grabbed his forearm before we moved any further up the steps.

He turned to face me and stepped down one step to make it so he wasn't so much taller, although he still towered above me.

I looked into his light green orbs and breathed unevenly. He cupped my face in both his hands and stepped forward. our faces where centimeters apart.

"It's ok." he whispered. "Everything's going to be ok."

He had a strange look on his beautiful face. A look that seemed to say he had a plan he didn't want anyone to know.

"What are you thinking?" I tilted my head in his hands.

"Just... trust me when I say everything will be fine." he furrowed his eyebrows.

He seemed to search my eyes for any sign of suspicion.

I nodded and but my bottom lip, glancing down at his plump ones.

"D-Don't do that." he whispered before grabbing my hand and walking up the steps.

"Don't do what?" I asked.

"Just... don't... bite your lip like that." he mumbled and blushed as he pushed through the doors.

"You mean like this?" I teased and bit my lip again only this time longer and less shyly.

"Rose... just touching your hand gets my heart going enough." he mumbled again and turned away so I couldn't see his blushing.

I was a little surprised at his words. I couldn't help but fight a smile. We walked up to the doors that lead to the back stage area.

"Wait." I said and tugged on his hands to stop him.

"What is it?" He asked and turned around.

"Uhh." I looked down at our joined hands. "M-Maybe we shouldn't go in there holding hands."

He looked down at our hands and slowly let go of mine.

"Oh." he said sounding a little hurt. "Y-Yeah your probably right... I meant we don't want them thinking were together righ."

"Uh well I..." I mumbled and looked down until he cut me off.

"Cause that would be embarrassing right?" He asked a little harshly.

"What... no of course not." I said and stepped toward him. "Harry I'm not embarrassed to be with you. I-I just don't want them thinking we are together because... you know this is t.v. and t-they might make up rumors or... abuse our relationship."

Why was he acting this way anyways? After all we aren't a couple.

He furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his jaw as he looked down at me.

"Your right." he sighed. "sorry."

Before I could say anything else he walked through the doors. I quickly followed.

"Harry... are you sure you understand?" I asked not completely believing him.

"Yes Rose just drop it ok." he growled and formed his fists.

"Cause ya know... we aren't really together anyways." I explained.

That's when he lost it.

He turned around and pushed me up against the backstage wall. His body was pressed up to mine.

"Damn it Rose stop reminding me." he growled

"Reminding you what." I whimpered.

"That your not mine." he growled. "You know how bad I want you to be."

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