6. First night with him

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Roses POV

Harry excitedly pulled my hand down the hallway of the hotel. I had my suitcase in my other hand and was close to dropping it. Harry was running and practically dragging me with him as I giggled.

"Harry slow down I'm gonna f-" before I could finish my feet flew out from under me and my hands hit the ground.

Harry picked my up bridal style and carried me and my suitcase to his room.

"I can walk you know." I smiled.

"Your too slow." He chuckled. "Were here already anyways."

He set me down and opened the door. I walked into our hotel room and set my suitcase down next to the made bed. Guessing his bed is the unmade one.

"I think the X factor is on in a few minutes. They should be showing our challenge from today." I explained and tossed him the remote.

He turned on the Chanel then sat next to me on my bed.

"Rose." he bit his lip.

I looked at him and nodded urging him to continue,

"Are you... is this..." he let out a sigh. "You trust me right? Are you... nervous or scared at all to be... staying with me?"

"Of course I trust you Harry. I'd be way more scared with any other guy here. Don't worry about me anyways." I shrugged. "I am glad I am here with you."

He gave me a full cheeky smile then looked back to the TV.

"On this episode of the X factor." the host announced."The contestants will be paired up with a new partner of the opposite gender."

I laughed and shook my head.

"What's so funny." Harry asked.

"I just never realized how dramatic they make everything sound." I smiled and got more comfortable.

He chuckled and nodded then looked back to the TV.

"Is love in the air here at the X factor studios?"

My eyes instantly widened.

It showed Harry holding my hand as we walked into the studio then it showed him pressing me up against the wall with his body and our noses rubbing together and him kissing my forehead.

"Oh god." I sighed and face palmed.

He chuckled and took my hand in his, instantly making me blush.

It then showed us signing then getting paired up. It focused on Harry's reaction when I was paired up with "Mark".

It cut out just as Harry punched him. then it showed Mark being kicked off the show for female harassment. Told us how Harry and I where now partners. Then it was over. Showed the whole challenge in 45 minutes.

I yawned and laid down on the bed.

"Oh no you don't." Harry chuckled and scooped me up.

"Harry I'm tired." I whined.

"Come on it's our first night as roommates." he smile and set me on my feet.

He stepped closer and placed his hands on my waist and his forehead pressed to mine.

"Rose." he whispered.

"Hmm. " I hummed as I closed my eyes.

"Let me take you out." he breathed and slid his arms around my back.

He pulled me closer to him in a meaningful hug. his head hung down in the crest of my neck as my cheek rested on his shoulder.

"Why do you wanna take me out." I whispered and placed a small kiss to his neck.

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