2. A better understanding

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Roses POV

Cherry and I stepped off the plane into our new location.

"No way!" Cherry excitedly explained. "Tokyo!"

I looked up to the huge sigh in the airport with the words 'Welcome to Tokyo' on it.

I started laughing out of excitement as we walked out of the airport. We found a man standing outside a limo holding a sign with our names on it.

We climbed in and drove through Tokyo to our hotel. We stared out the windows in awe of the beautifully bright city.

We pulled up to our hotel and carried our bags up to our room. It was a little nicer than your average hotel room. It was no suite or high priced flat. But it was nice. I jumped onto the bed giggling as Cherry gabbed on and on about who knows what.

"Im gonna go check out the cafe down by the lobby." I said and motioned towards the doors.

"Okay want me to start unpacking our stuff?" She asked.

I nodded and walked into the golden glowing hallway. I mindlessly stared at my feel walking down the floral patterned hallway carpet. I ran into a large built figure and fell backward onto the groung.

"Oh my god Im so sorry." A familure voice gawed.

I looked up when large hands wrapped around my waist ans helped me up. My stomach was pressed oh his as his arms held a firm hold around me. Our eyes met and a smile spread across his face.

"Well well... we meet again." He chuckled.

"Oh hello there Harry." I giggled and shyly stared at the ground. "Sorry I wasnt watching where I was going."

"Oh dont worry love it was my fault." He slightly pulled me closer and tilted my chin up to look at him.

"Where were you off to?" He asked with a dimply grin on his face, his arms strangely still around me.

"Oh just to the cafe by the loby." I smiled as he kept his hand cupping my chin. "Where where you going?"

"Well I was going to my room but... ya know I suddenly have the craving for a caramel mocha." He smirked.

I blushed as he chuckled.

"We'll if you'd like to join me your welcome but your gonna have to let go of me first." I giggled.

"Oh ya uh sorry." he blushed and let go I me.

I smiled at him and he started walking with me down the hall.

"So what room are you in?" He noncholantly asked.

"409 what about you." I poked him in the stomach and he chuckled.

"Im actually right across the hall from you." He smiled brightly. "I'm roomed with this guy Liam."

"Oh cool I'm with my friend Cherry." I could feel his gaze on my as we walked.

We walked down to the lobby together. We ordered our coffees.

"Ill pay." Harry not so much as offered but demanded.

"Oh, no you don't have to do that." I turned down the offer and reached inside my pocket for a twenty.

"To late." He smirked and paid for both of us.

I rolled my eyes and thanked him as we sat at a small table.

"So who would have thought they would send us to Tokyo." Harry started the conversation.

"I know its crazy. I am really excited to learn about some of their cultures and traditions and things like that." I sipped on my coffee.

"Maybe we could go sight seeing together?" He hopefully asked.

"Ya that would be fun." I smiled. "Im so nervous for our first week."

"You shouldn't be worried with a voice and personality like yours. Not to mention your undeniably beautiful. You've got this competition in the bag. Im the one who should be worried." He put his hand on his chest as he gestured to himself.

"Oh come on. I heard you sing too. Your amazing plus your supper funny and loveable." I blushed at what I just said.

"Lovable huh?" He smirked.

"So You basically just confessed your love for me." he joked.

"We'll I mean I guess you are pretty good looking." I played along.

He laughed and took a big swig of his coffee.

"I am nervous for the competition part but mostly for the... how do you say it... stress? Or emotional compromisation." I stumbled on my words.

"I know what you mean." He said. "But don't worry Ill be there with you and Ill help you."

His words made me blush but I played it off with a sarcastic joke.

"Mr. confidence over here huh?" I smiled.

He laughed showing his adorable dimples with his gorgeous green eyes beaming.

"But really... I appreciate that." I said in a serious tone. "I really am scared I wont be able to handle this with my anxiety level. If things get too overwhelming... things will happen."

"What kind of things." He took my hand which was resting on the table and furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

I looked down. I only just met this boy and already I trusted him like he was my best friend or brother. I felt like I could tell him anything I wanted and he would understand and help me without telling anyone else. He leaned closer... that concerned look still on his face.

"Its okay." He said in a soft comforting tone. "you can tell me."

He gently squeezed my hand in assurance. I took in a deep breath and looked him in the eye.

"This doesn't happen often... but when things get to intense or overwhelming... I shut down. I start shaking profusely and I wont be able to stand or move. I-I start hearing things and... I start to tense up. My vision will get blurry until everything is shut out. Its... scarry. It feels like that demon that takes over your mind in depression all of a sudden takes over your whole body... Cherry calls them my 'episodes'. If that happens on the show. They'll think I wont be able to take the pressure and send me home." I confessed.

"Rose." Harry leaned closer even more. "If you ever start to feel stressed or overwhelmed... just come to me. Ill help you get through it okay?"

I slowly nodded.

He seemed so sincere. How could he want anything to do with me.

"I promise Rose I wont let you get to that point." He gently rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb "And if you ever need me when were not at the copetition... remember Im right across the hall."

I gave him a small yet meaningful smile.

"Hey If you ever need me you know Im always here too." I smiled slightly jokingly.

"I might have to take you up on that." HE smiled and kissed my nuckles.

We drank the rest of our coffee and walked up to our rooms.

"Well Rose Jenson... I will see you tomorrow." Harry smiled.

"As I will you." I smiled back.

He kissed my forehead then walked into his room. He left me a little dumbstruck. He just kissed my forehead. Why though? I shook it off and stepped into our room.

I unpacked the rest o my stuff and went straight to bed. I was exhausted from the flight and didn't want to be tired tomorrow for our first day. all I could think about was Harry.

He seemed nice and sweet but there was something about him that was... suspicious. There was something he was hiding behind all that charm... something completely opposite from what he seems like. there was a dark feeling towards him that I couldn't fully understand.

His eyes where mostly bright and kind but there where hints of pain and darkness. He's a puzzle. and I am going to figure him out.

I have given him a better understanding of me. Now he can focus less on figuring me out and more on letting me get to know him better.

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