Chapter 33

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The next morning Beca woke up at 7am and slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake Stacie. She quickly went to her closet putting on a white bra and a white LA Dodgers jersey over it before grabbing a pair of grey sweatpants and white sneakers. She made sure to grab her bag and a pair of sunglasses before quickly exiting the room and softly closing the door.

When she made sure Stacie didn't wake up she let out a sigh of relief and walked towards the stairs.

"Good morning Beca." She heard behind her startling her.

"Jesus Christ! I didn't think anyone was up." Beca said quickly before looking up and seeing Flo standing by the stairs with a smile.

"Morning Flo. What are you doing up so early?" Beca asked as she noticed the girl dressed in normal clothes.

"Oh I always wake up early." Flo answered still smiling.

Beca nodded and stayed silent for a few seconds "Uh would you like to join me? I have to head out and pick some stuff up."

"Are you sure? I don't want to bother you in anyway." Flo said.

Beca nodded with a smile "Of course I am Flo. We haven't hung out in literally years."

Flo nodded "Ok let me get my bag." She said quickly heading into the room she was staying in and appearing a few moments later "Ready." She said.

Beca nodded "And we're off." She said walking down the stairs and towards the garage.

Once in the garage she walked to where she kept the keys and grabbed a red key before walking towards Flo.

"Vamos." She called out standing next to an all red Lamborghini Urus.

Flo nodded and got into the passenger seat.

"So how many of the cars are yours and how many are Stacie's?" Flo asked as Beca pulled out the house.

"I guess technically almost all of them are mine even though she drives whichever one she wants." Beca said.

"You always did like cars." Flo said.

"True but some of the cars I have right now have been given to me." Beca said.

"Wow, lucky you." Flo responded.

"I can't deny that." Beca chuckled.

"So where exactly are we going?" Flo asked.

"Pick up some things for the party that way Stacie doesn't have to worry about doing that." Beca answered.

Flo nodded "Thats sweet of you."

"It's Alanna's birthday and I don't want her to worry or stress about picking things up and setting things up. She should spend the time with her daughter." Beca said.

"You really do love her huh?" Flo asked.

Beca looked over at her as they arrived at a red light before nodding "I really do Flo. I never understood that whole when you know, you know saying but I'm starting to understand what people meant." Beca said as she pressed on the pedal when the light turned green.

"After everything that went down I never thought I'd love someone as much as I love her. Plus Alanna is such a wonderful kid and the fact that the two of them truly view me as her other mom, it's everything to me." Beca said with a smile.

Flo looked at her friend and saw the genuine look of love and happiness she had and couldn't help but smile "I'm glad you have that Beca. If anyone deserves it, it's definitely you."

"Thanks Flo. I'm sorry you know, about how I ghosted you all for all those years. It wasn't anything personal but I just couldn't deal with all the questions and sympathy I knew I was going to get. I know that's not much of an excuse but I wanted to distance myself from anything that would of reminded me of her." Beca said pulling into a parking spot.

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