part: 14

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"Wow, dosa bhabhi. I want to eat it now, please... Please!!", pleaded Rudra with puppy eyes. Anika looked toward Om and Priyanka who nodded

"Ok tell me where is the kitchen", she asked. Rudra jumped to hug her but stopped because Priyanka pulled him down

"Behave Rudra... She is your bhabhi. Bhaiya's wife and he may get jealous seeing this post", teased Priyanka. Om giggled hearing her reply and hi-fied with her where Rudra was confused. Anika looked somewhere else to hide her blush. She doesn't think so he will get jealous soon but she understood that they need to be careful as these three are enough to embarrass them

"That I know na. And what poses? We are not here for a wedding photoshoot na... That will be done for bhaiya and bhabhi Ooo you are asking me to arrange that?", Asked Rudra to which they rolled their eyes.  Om slapped him on his head so Priyanka

"Duffer. I was teasing bhabhi... Om, he is mad yrr. I was talking something else and he is on another track", said Priyanka angrily while pulling Rudra's hair.

"Ok..k at least I gave one idea", he said and jerked Priyanka and Om. Anika looked toward the three of them in confusion

"Ohh yes photoshoot", shouted Priyanka excitedly. But more than Shivaay she is excited for herself as from this even she will get a chance to have a photoshoot before marriage

"Like Shivaay will agree", said Om sarcastically. Anika rolled her eyes and went from there otherwise they will tease her for some or other reason. She came inside the kitchen and heard their low voices coming still. That means they are still arguing

Anika looked towards this very big kitchen and have everything which a person will need. Anika searched for needed things and placed everything on the slab. She is amazed by this big kitchen where she can make food for more than 50 people that too for some days

(I really don't know how to make dosa so can't write recipe)

Anika started making dosa and added cashew for taste as it is her special ingredient. After an hour when she was done she wiped her sweat and came out with a dosa with a smile. She noticed that now they were laughing together which made her smile more seeing the love between siblings

"Now taste it and tell me how's it", said Anika. Omru and Priyanka took their respective plates and stared dosa with open mouths. They were about to ask for fog when Anika asked them to eat from the hand. They nodded as they can't deny Anika

Anika was waiting for their response as they are Oberoi's who would have tasted much delicious dosa as well. She started looking here and there is nervousness.

"Bhabhi it's too delicious", said Om and licked his fingers. He loved the taste. He never thought that someone can make this delicious dosa at home

"Yes bhabhi, what a taste", moaned Rudra and started eating again. Anika looked towards Priyanka who tried to say something but her throat dried. Priyanka started taking long breathes to calm herself but nothing worked

"W...water", she asked with tears. Anika became scared now. What happened to her? Is the question which came to her mind immediately. She ran towards the kitchen and came up with water without a second but Priyanka passed out staring three of them

"Rudra go and bring the car fast I am coming with Priyanka", shouted Om. Anika started crying seeing Priyanka's state which was because of her. She is in this condition after eating her dosa.

"B...bhabhi don't cry, please. We need to take her hospital fast. Let's go", said Om and picked Priyanka in his arms. He rushed towards the door and sat inside the car which Rudra was going to drive. Anika ran behind them and started waking Priyanka

"Om, what happened to her? I don't know how Om it's ...", Anika tried to explain but Om stopped her

"Bhabhi relax don't worry and call Shivaay
Rudra drive fast", said Om to Anika and then asked Rudra to drive fast. Anika looked outside as she is scared now. What if something happened to her? Everyone is going to blame her

She dialled Shivaay's number which he picked after 3rd ring

"Hloo yes say, Anika. Any problem?", he asked in a normal voice. Om Looked towards Anika who was crying again so he answered

"Shivaay reach city hospital as soon as possible", said Om which scared Shivaay

"Om...Om, what happened? And to whom? Is everything fine tell me", asked Shivaay being restless now. He ran out of his office and asked Khanna to drive towards the hospital

"You are coming na.. we will tell you there", said Om and ended the call. He held Anika's shoulders to make her feel that nothing will happen when he himself is extremely tense. After some time they reached the hospital and they asked doctors to take Priyanka to emergency

When Priyanka was inside the ward Om and Rudra supported Anika

"Relax bhabhi", said Rudra with a smile. Anika nodded and looked towards her ward. One nurse rushed out to take something when Om asked

"What happened to her?",

"She ate something which triggered her allergy", replied the nurse and went from there

"But she is allergic to cashew only", said Rudra which shocked Anika more

"V... vo I added that", said Anika while looking down in regret. She is guilty now for Priyanka's condition. Om Rudra sat near Anika to calm her down

"It's ok bhabhi. You didn't know it before it happens", said Om. Just then they heard Shivaay's voice who shouted Omkara's name and ran towards him

"Om... Anika, you are fine. Then who is inside? Why do you call me", asked Shivaay impatiently catching his breath as he ran here as fast he could.

"Shivaay Priyanka is inside", said Shivaay which shocked and scared him. He ran towards her ward and noticed doctors treating her

"What happened suddenly? She was fine in the morning?", he asked in a bit loud voice which made Om realise that his temper is raising

"Yes but..", he stammered trying to find an excuse to save Anika when she Told the truth to him

"I... I added cashew nuts in the dosa... which... Affected her health", said Anika and looked down. Omru looked towards Anika as they know what was coming next. Before they could hold her hand and protect her Shivaay pulled her towards himself harshly

"What the hell you did? Didn't you know that she is allergic? ", He asked at top of his voice. Anika was about to answer when he taunted

"What else I can expect from middle-class people like you", he said and pinned her to the nearby wall. Anika started crying again. His taunt made her feel so low. This is the reason she stayed away from rich people but here her to-be-husband taunted her. His words hurt her a lot but before she could tell him he said

"Was it a plan or something else? Just say it... Why are you quiet?  And why are you showing these crocodile tears to me? These will not affect me", he shouted again but this time Rudra stopped him and Om held Shivaay's shoulder as Shivaay was going to raise his hand. Shivaay pushed them and banged his hand on the wall angrily with full force which caused blood to come out

"Didn't your parents tell you how to behave?", he asked angrily again. Anika gathered courage and pushed him with full force

"I think it's your parents who never told you how to respect girls", said Anika and was about to walk away from there when Omru held her hand

"Shivaay you said too much today in anger", said Om angrily and asked Anika to sit who was numb hearing Shivaay's shout

"Om... I didn't. ", She tried explaining again but Rudra interrupted

"We know that bhabhi", Rudra said and asked her to sit... Shivaay went towards the ward and hold that glass door. His eyes were having tears as he has only one woman left in his life whom he loves more than anything in this world. He loves dadi, and others too but Priyanka more as he always considered her as his child.

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