part : 64

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Shivaay put her hair on her front and pull out one rose gold diamond necklace and put it around her neck.

Anika closed her eyes when she felt his cold hands on her neck and then suddenly his lips on her back

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Anika closed her eyes when she felt his cold hands on her neck and then suddenly his lips on her back. She held her dress tightly as she felt her knees going weak. Till now he never kissed her neck and back but he did today. She felt like he is her crush who just kissed her. Shivaay looked at her face through the mirror and smiled seeing her blush. He felt happy to be the reason for her blush, he held her close to him and placed both of her hands on her abdomen, he placed his own hands on her waist and nuzzled in her neck.

Nowadays one day without her boring him, he is habitual of her care and her nonstop talks. He misses her every time whenever he doesn't see her with him. For the past few days, he just want to make her his which he feel wrong as he still doesn't know about her wish regarding this. Even today he lost control over himself seeing her bare back, when he touched her neck he knew he was going to lose soon. He thought to move back after kissing her neck but he lost himself completely when he noticed her blush. That gave him indirect permission that he can do anything.

"Say something. Do you like it?", Shivaay asked. Anika hummed in response and then again looked down. There is no gap between them which is Anika's weakness. If he was a bit away she would have asked him "Is this what she asked?" But because of his proximity, her words dried in her throat. Shivaay kissed her shoulder and then placed his cheek on her shoulder

Anika felt like she is dead now, she tried to stop herself from breathing heavily but her body didn't help her here. Shivaay left her waist and placed his hand in her hands. Anika pressed her lips together to stop herself from winching, she knew if she winched then he will misunderstand her and will think that it was his mistake.

After a minute he turned her face towards him and put her hair back again as now he want to see her from the front completely. He blushed when he noticed her red cheeks, he moved a step ahead and rubbed his cheeks on her cheeks. Anika held his coat when she felt his beard touching her cheeks, she felt tickling but couldn't even laugh because she felt it sensual more than just tickle

"S... Shivaay", his came from her mouth when he hugged her tightly without even letting space to air pass through them. Anika felt his whole body touching her and now that sent shivers through her spine when she thought about the result. Shivaay kissed her when she called him, his name from her forced him to kiss her. He couldn't control more, Anika closed her eyes again and held his coat tight, she found her legs numb now, but she don't want this moment to end

Shivaay joined thier forehead together. Slowly he moved his hand inside her Kurti and rubbed his hand on her bare waist, Shivaay pulled her more towards himself and kissed her cheek. When Anika felt his hands moving upwards, she stepped back in fear and looked aside to catch her breath. When Anika moved away Shivaay realised his actions and thought she regret this

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