Extras (Fan Requests) | Three

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Hi lovely people! 

Here is part two of the Highschool AU for Obsidian and Circe that I imagined! I found it was really hard to write them as being as indifferent to each other as they were in the series at the start, so I took a bit of inspiration from the final chapter for this one ;) 

I hope you like it,
Love Daisy x


Extras (Fan Requests) | Three


(In which the Highschool AU is continued, Cobalt is a flirt,
Lacy is a worrywart, and Obsidian is himself.
Deliciously so.)


After that first encounter, Circe had fully intended to ask Lacy about the mysterious boy – but as the day continued on she became swept up in her classes, schoolwork, and her friends – and so by the end of the day, the meeting had all but disappeared from her immediate thoughts.

In fact, it wasn't until Wednesday, when Circe was sitting in the gardens with Lacy, enjoying the morning sunshine, that she reached into the pocket of her uniform absentmindedly and found the polished stone that had been waiting quietly for her to remember it was there.

"What's that?" Lacy asked curiously, leaning forward to peer at the stone as Circe lifted it to the sunlight.

The gemstone was a deep, absolute black, but when Circe lifted it to the sun, chords of light emerged within it – like finely spun threads of golden silk.

"I found it the other day ..." she began vaguely, before suddenly remembering the context in which the stone had been left behind. She turned to Lacy abruptly, her eyes wide, and startled the other girl slightly with the sudden level of intensity in her stare.

"What?" Lacy exclaimed, looking slightly shocked, "what is it?"

"Do you know a boy?" Circe asked urgently.

Lacy laughed. "A boy? Circe, the school is full of boys," she teased, "are you asking about one in particular?"

Circe flushed, realising how silly her question sounded. However, upon thinking about it more, she suddenly realised that she did not know anything terribly specific about the boy. The only thing she knew was ...

"His eyes," she said slowly, looking back down at the gemstone in her hands, "he had different coloured eyes. One was silver, the other was gold."

Lacy's hand shot out, grasping her wrist tightly, and Circe looked up from the gemstone, surprised at her friend's sudden look of alarm.

"Silver and gold?" Lacy hissed.

Circe nodded in confusion, unsure of why her friend was whispering. They were currently alone in this section of the garden.

"Yes. And black hair. He didn't tell me his name though." She added hastily. But he called me Kitten. The sneaky thought surprised her, and she blushed lightly.

It was not hard for her to recall the boy's expression as he had looked down at her, the endearment falling so easily from his lips – as though he had known her intimately in another life. She wondered vaguely if such a thing were possible.

Looking at her friend's flushing expression, Lacy felt a growing sense of horror. With a sharp tug on her wrist, she jolted Circe from her daydream.

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