Chapter 50 | The Final Truth

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Hi APK Team!

There are two more Chapters left after this - I split this one into two because I'm not quite finished with the ending and I think it might take me another day. 
I hope you enjoy this Chapter - I certainly enjoyed writing it after waiting for so freaking long to get here!! 
Thank-you for all of your votes and lovely comments on the previous Chapter, 

Much Love,


Chapter 50 | The Final Truth


are the loved
to die, 
l o v e 

- Emily Dickinson



"Obsidian was right, I should have gone after her on my own."

Leonardo looked sideways at the curly haired man standing at the helm of the ship. Nathaniel's blue eyes were turbulent as the other man gazed out across the ocean.

"There is no point in thinking about it now," Leonardo consoled him, "and although he had a point, I think Captain Bones was being too harsh on you. He's biased, remember? Circe can handle herself."

"No more biased than I am," Nathaniel muttered quietly, his brows furrowing.

Leonardo turned, leaning his back against the upper railing and tilting his face to the sky. They had a strong tailwind today and the clouds raced across the sky high above, as though chasing them on. Tactfully changing the subject, he shifted the conversation to focus on their destination instead.

"It shouldn't take us too long to get there at this rate," he remarked.

Nathaniel looked ahead to the full sails and nodded, "You're right," he agreed. "We are making good time. Although we will have to be careful about where we weigh anchor. If we stop too close to the territory, we might have to speak with that massive water dragon," the blonde man shuddered impulsively, "I didn't even talk to it last time and it gave me the chills."

Leonardo couldn't help but laugh, "After everything you have experienced recently, and that's what you're afraid of? I would have thought coming face to face with Zeus Gold to be far more terrifying."

Nathaniel groaned, "Don't remind me," he laughed half-heartedly, "but yes, I suppose when you put it like that. However, lets avoid giant water dragons if possible, alright?"

"Alright," Leonardo smiled, "the Captain won't have a problem finding us either way."

The two men stood in amicable silence for a moment, listening to the sounds of the crew on the deck below. Leonardo could see Cobalt's ship off to port, and he could just make out the black-haired Pirate standing in the same position as Nathaniel on the top deck.

"What do you think you'll do, once this is all over?" Leonardo mused suddenly. It was a question that had been on his mind for some time – when he thought about it, he didn't actually know much about Nathaniel's previous life. He was aware that the other had been a solider of some sort and had left to find Circe when she had first disappeared. But as for his dreams, and aspirations, Leonardo had no clue.

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