Chapter 16 | Heartache

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Hey Guys, here is the next Chapter! Enjoy <3 xx



Obsidian hadn't said a word since we had touched down just outside Port Savannah. Ever since we had determined that Savannah was where Anthemin was heading he had withdrawn, becoming a swirling turmoil of suppressed emotion. I could see it in the way he walked now as we headed along the coast, his stride full of angst, the muscles in his exposed back tense, his hands clenched into fists by his sides. I remembered the first time I had been with him in Savannah, the image came to me easily, all he was missing was his swirling black cloak.

I hurried up behind him and caught his hand, pulling him to a halt as the harbor came into view. It was early morning, but the port was still active and with how we were now, we would stand out like sore thumbs.

"What is it?" His gaze was distracted, his golden eyes flickering over to where the ships sat anchored. I knew what he was looking for.

"We can't just go in like this," I began.

"Why not?" He interrupted his voice dismissive. "I have nothing to fear from this town."

I tugged at his hand, forcing him to look at me. "I'm only wearing a shirt," I ground out through gritted teeth. "I know that you don't mind walking around in nothing, but it's not really something I'm comfortable with. And-" I hesitated, looking down at my scarred hand that was enveloped by his.

Suddenly he was touching my face, lifting my chin until I was staring into his eyes, his gaze was sincere and a muscle jumped in his jaw as we held each other's gaze. Carefully he lifted my hands and kissed them both.

"I'm sorry Love, forgive me. Being back here ... it is distracting." He looked back to the harbor. "I know my brother is here. It's hard."

"I know," I said softly. "But I am still unsure about going into town, Anthemin seems to still be in the same place that he was earlier and that is not far from here, out to sea. It would suggest that he is on a ship. He said that he was going to be with Cobalt."

"You should stay here."

My gaze was startled. "What?"

"I do not wish to be apart from you, but you should remain here. Together we will draw too much attention. I will see what I can find out from the town and I will bring you back clothes." He looked down for a moment. "And if my Brother is there ... I need to see him first by myself. I don't want you to be there, it's going to be ... hard."

My eyes softened at the torn expression on his face.

"Very well, but if you are to go into the town alone, then I am going to investigate Anthemin's whereabouts. I know that he isn't far from here."

He caught my arm, his eyes burning. "I don't want you to go alone. You should wait here for me."

My hand covered his. "No. I can't just sit around and wait for you, it would drive me crazy." I looked out towards the horizon. "Obsidian, he is in that direction, I can feel it. I am sure that they are sitting just beyond the horizon. You will be able to find me if you go to the port and continue straight out to sea. I'll meet you at sundown."

I looked up into his face, into his golden eyes and I stretched up onto my toes so that I could press my lips to his. I made to pull away but his arms wound around me, holding me in place.

"If anything happens-"

"It won't."

He kissed me lingeringly, his nose nuzzling tenderly against my own. His hands clasped my face as though it was a precious object and he kissed me once, twice, three times more. His fingers ran lightly through my hair and he whispered in my ear, his lips tickling against my skin.

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