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You have a new Match !


You have a new Match !

- Wooyoung shut that thing up.

- You're dreaming ! If I take my eyes off the television I lose the game !

- Precisely.

- Just admit that I am too strong for you and that you would like to win against me for once.

- Never !

I tightened my grip on my black controller and then focused my attention on the second half of the TV screen, where my red car was only a few meters from the finish.

- Yes ! I won !


I burst out laughing as the blonde puffs out his cheeks like a three year old.

- What was it you said before? I forgot.

My friend frowned. He reached for his phone before a notification made it ring again.

You have a new Match !

- Woo?

- Hm?

- What is this application ?" I asked intrigued.

His mouth opened, dumbfounded, as if I had just told him that I didn't like mint-chocolate ice cream.

- Don't tell me you don't know this application ?

- Which one ?

- Love match ! Everybody is talking about it now ! Even the media !

My lips curled up in embarrassment. It's true that except for playing video games with Wooyoung, my TV is only used for decoration.

- Ah...no I don't see it at all.

- You're fooling Seong, the whole of Korea has installed it.

- What's the point ?

Wooyoung looked very jaded.

- You're a real idiot when you go for it, it's about finding love.

Love...as if it were a first necessity. According to him it is what brings joy to life, but I don't agree.
My life as a librarian suits me just fine.

- Ah, indeed another thing of no use.

- Says the guy who still fantasizes about White Purple performance-

I felt my cheeks turn pink. The White Purple is a girl band that I followed throughout my teenage years.

- So first of all I'm not fantasizing, I'm just encouraging their deserved work ! Then you know very well that it's not the opposite sex that attracts me.

The blond man lay on his stomach, elbows resting on the surface of my black sofa.

- Hm, that's why you should download this application ! Look at you, you have everything ! ... well if we save the fact that you work in the middle of books all as boring as each other it should do.

I frown before coming to wipe my plate.

- The boring books in the library are fine for me.

He takes on a not sorry look.

- Oh, did I offend you?

- ...

- What does it matter do-

You have a new Match !

- In any case, you seem to be successful," I remarked while putting away the dishes.

- Well, I'm waiting to find the one that will make me say-

You have a new Match !

- .....Woaw....

I turned my head in the direction of the blond man who had his eyes and mouth wide open in front of his lit screen.

One could have thought he was rediscovering the trailer of Spiderman 2, which will be released in three months in theaters.

- Wooyoung ?

- S-seonghwa

I moved slightly worriedly to the couch before my friend stood up and shouted:


I pinched the bridge of my nose, exasperated by Wooyoung's euphoria.

- Look !

He handed me his phone.

𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 @/𝚠𝚘𝚘.𝚓 !


𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 !            𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎

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𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 !            𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎

-He's not bad...

- How good is he ?! Are you kidding ?! He's amazing !

I laugh.

It is true that this famous ch.sn does not have the most ordinary physique.
But then again, how can we be sure it's not someone else behind it?

- Seong.

- mmh?

- I think I'm starting to like the books...


My fingers are having fun bending the pages of my book. My mind is elsewhere than in the lines of the paper.

It is focused on this application that I have been eyeing ever since Wooyoung told me about it.

Now I see it everywhere.

First, yesterday at the library I came across at least six newspapers with Loves match written in capital letters on the front page.

The radio, there too. Yeosang one of my co-workers had turned it on for the purpose of making background noise in the storeroom where we were storing the last deliveries.
"Need love? Someone to discuss your interests with? Download Love match!"
In addition to the robotic voice, which is annoying as hell, it stays in your head for the rest of the afternoon.

Then tonight, in addition to the flyers in my workplace, the bus stops. They are filled with scrolling posters on the ends of the glass shelters.

It's funny, but I used to not pay much attention to all this propaganda, I would just put on my wireless headphones and let my thoughts wander.

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