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hi everyone, for this last chapter the auteur put a music again, put it back on if it stops.

good reading ^^


- Hello! What can I- Hwang? What are you doing here? It's not delivery day though," I said, frowning.

- I have a package for Mr. Kim Hongjoong.

- But I didn't order anything-

- Please sign here.

- Okay, but I don't understand-

- And here it is! He said as he placed the bouquet in my hands, have a nice day!

Like a simple gust of wind, the store is empty again.

I head to the storeroom, glancing at the flowers adorning the red and white bouquet.

The biggest question I have is who are they from?

I turn the package over and discover a small paper, folded in half, wedged between two sheets.


For Kim Hongjoong


I sigh.

The bells signal me the entrance of a customer, unfortunately it's always in the bad moments that I am interrupted.

- One second!

Never mind, it will wait.

I quickly straighten up before rushing to the counter, where my limbs freeze in the face of the performance slowly being painted before me.

A painting that perfectly describes the illusion of a dream.

I remain nailed on this silver hair of which some wicks go down to him in front of his breaking eyes, breaking the protective barrier of my heart, making it drum dangerously fast. The glance is ardent, as deep as the vivacity of this rose which he holds in his right hand. My stomach clenches and my mind refuses to believe it.

The atmosphere that surrounds us seems to stop time, because I no longer see the cars driving on the other side of the bay window, I no longer hear the squealing of tires or the muffled words of passers-by, I only perceive him, I only feel and hear him.

Stunned, my voice trembling, I venture to break the silence:

- S-seonghwa ?

I see him swallow, then he takes a step forward, without deigning to answer me.

My fingers tighten on the wooden surface of the box, my eyelids close and reopen to convince myself that I am not dreaming, that we are not dreaming.

Being too focused on my five senses, I didn't notice that he came closer until he was only a few centimeters away from me, his head slightly lowered.

It's that he had not lied about his size...

Let's face it, I'm not a hard person to get past.

His first gesture was to touch my blond hair, carefully watching my reactions. Gently, I felt the pulp of his fingers go down on the tip of my face before firmly anchoring itself to my jaw.

Unable to move, I only shivered.

To flinch under his warm touch, to shudder to feel his breath crashing on my upper lip.

Finally I had escaped from my tranny when her two wet fleshy bits had lovingly settled on mine.

The wings of the butterflies had ended up setting fire to my lower abdomen.

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