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Twenty-five hours.
My hands are getting more and more sweaty, I only have a few minutes left to wait before I can hear his voice for the first time.

I warned Wooyoung, who by the way doesn't stop harassing me with sms.

"Did he call you?"

"Are you on appeal?"

"So ????"

"As beautiful as in the picture?"

...because I should expect FaceTime?
This was not my plan, to tell you the truth a simple call is already panic enough, FaceTime will probably come later who knows.

Twenty-fifty-eight hours.
The minutes are as long as they are short. Billions of stories illustrate my cranium while I rehearse like an oral the possible questions I could ask him in case he blocks.

One evening he took the time to explain to me in more detail this sickly shyness that was eating away at him during a face to face meeting.

Twenty-fifty nine.
I begin to regret my own proposal. My foot nervously hits the ground while my teeth shred the skin tips around my fingers. At the other end of the scale my soul dying with impatience revived by the rapid beating of my heart.

Should I call? Or wait for his?

One day I will cause my own demise...

I quickly conclude that it is twenty-one o'clock when a deep and long vibration is emitted from the coffee table.



Incoming call

Pick up ---->

- Hi?

A few seconds remain silent before finally hearing in what seemed to be a whisper, my first name.

- S-seonghwa ?

- Yes," I smile, "how was your day?


I listen to his hesitations, and at the same time I notice his trembling breath, which makes me feel a twinge in my chest.

Searching for words, one of the worst situations, especially when it comes to one like this. It's happened to me countless times, I also had to retake one of my last year's oral because of it. A pain that brings panic and a multitude of questions, forming a typhoon before sowing the seeds of trouble in the body.

- Would you like me to start?

An onomatopoeia by way of response that I take as an affirmation.

- First I got up and then after taking my shower I had breakfast while texting Wooyoung as usual except that he was so passionate about giving me a face lift with his cosmetics that he wrote me cobblestones! As a result my coffee was cold, and I hate cold coffee.

During my story I feel him relax little by little, a few little laughs gently escape him that sound like the lines of my favorite book, poignant and shivering.

- I'll tell you about my morning at the library which was not very fun...then I'll follow-

- ...d-didn't you knock over some shelves this time? he asked in a teasing way.

- Hey! It's not every time either! First, the other day it was Yeosang who made him fall in front of the children.

- You never know, you told me it was often," he laughed.

- How many times have I told you it's no fun...

- Sorry...I can't stop laughing!

- I'm going to end up getting offended...

I gratify the voice call that hardly betrays my smile to the lips, I would have looked credible...

All in all, the sea waves have calmed down in the hollows of his heart, letting the dialogues flow at every turn. I didn't know that the current between us was so well adapted to each other, I can equally guarantee that his voice is a priceless wealth from which my desire to hear it remains inexhaustible.

- By the way, you still haven't answered me how you know Woo?

- Ah...he sighs with a perceived smile, it so happens that San, the boy Wooyoung is talking to, is my best friend.

- Choi San ?

- Exactly.

- The one who sweeps the flowers at a florist?

- I see that your friend has told you a lot about himself, yes he has fun sweeping my store, in fact I have told him a thousand times to try to find a job that would pay him three times his current salary but he refuses to listen to me.

- It seems that your company is not only appreciated by me, I murmured.

- I-of what?

- No nothing, I was saying that he must love your store to stay there.

- Mm....Seonghwa I knew you didn't say that!

- Really?

- Yes.

- Why such a desperate tone?

- You are tiring.

- On the bright side, you'll have sweet dreams at the end of our call.

- Am I dreaming or is Park Seonghwa openly flirting with me?

- Eyes wide open even you see! It's already working, I laugh.

- Tss...by the way.

- Yes?


- Hongjoong ?


The calmness bordered by his slow breathing welcomes me. Guessing that he has fallen asleep, my lips stretch as I try to imagine his body spread out sumptuously on his mattress.

I finally raise my hands to the ceiling of my room, dreamily complementing the beautiful nighttime lullaby coming from the handset.

- I hope your dreams will be as beautiful as you are, Joong

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