smut part

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Hello everyone, I come back one last time on this work because the author wrote in his OS book the possible sequel to this work, so I share it with you ;)


After having climbed the three floors which separated us from my apartment and closed the front door, I let my legs sink in the living room decorated by pink and orange flowers, then, come directly to open the window in the bottom of the room, offering a peaceful view on the streets of Busan. The warm air current penetrates the cabin, scraping pleasantly the hollow of my cheeks.

A weight on my back that makes me hiccup with surprise is followed by two arms timidly surrounding my waist.

After burying his muzzle in my blond hair, he inhales and lets out:

- I love you.

A reddish aspect pigments my cheekbones while the acquitting silence welcomes it with open arms.

- Joong..

- Mm.

A small sharp pain startled me.

- Ouch! But you bit me! I cried out with my pupils planted in his while rubbing my neck.

- And?

A feline smile dominated his face, he resumed:

- Until I get my answer I'll keep bothering you.

- You-

I hardly had time to protest as he had already grabbed my hips and thrown me onto the grey sofa.

My body is now blocked between the soft surface of the sofa and its muscular mass. Its thighs imprison easily mine. If I had to give you a concrete word to illustrate us, I will say to you that I am amassed by its body with califourchon.

His eyes scrutinize every little detail of mine, so mine just do the same, and I don't mind.

A rush of adrenaline goes through my stomach before my abdomen suddenly contracts.

- Seon-Seonghwa! N-not the tickling!

The smells are new, warm and his laughter mixes with mine, forming a mix that repaints the walls of our love.

Yet another stolen kiss in the midst of a burst of joy before I cowardly retreat, lighthearted.

- I love you too, Park Seonghwa.

All movement ceased suddenly. Some spangles began to shift in the corner of his eyes, then, after a quiescence in love, all ignited. In a simple fraction of second, the sweetness with which he tasted me charred by his transcendent desire. And this glance is enough to brush the wick leading to my lower belly.

It had flamed, too.

And our lips captured each other greedily while our fingers became curious. Hardly had he raised the fabric of my t-shirt and deposited his hand on the milky skin which covered my hip that a voluptuous breath discreetly broke the corner of my mouth.

At least, I thought so.

An amused chuckle formed on his pulpit tips between bites.

In only six minutes spent slumped on a sofa, he had found the first sensitive spot of my body. And as if the simple surface of his hand palm on my abdomen was not enough to satisfy him, he started slow little circles with his fingertips. He climbed up to the extremities of my ribs. A small ticklish circle. Then he went down again in the hollow of my pelvis.

Without putting an end to this mini game, he attacked the orifice of my jaw, tugging on my thin beige thickness before sliding towards my neck where the heat of his breath made me flinch with envy.

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