❤️⚠️Chapter five⚠️❤️ Becoming a hero

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Angst and small trigger warning
Fluff from the Bakusquad

Bakugo POV

I arrived at UA. To say I was nervous was being nice. I was terrified. What would happen if people found out what I did. Would I get kicked out of school. What about jobs. No one wants to hire a murderer. I just want a fresh start.

In a matter of minutes I was standing outside the large door that read 1-A.

I opened the door and stepped inside.


I walked over to an empty desk and sat down.

This is it.

I sit down and place down my bag.

Students were talking to each other but I kept to my self. I wasn't here to make friends. I was here to become a hero and make amendments with Izuku's dream.

This was they way I was going to do it.

Time skip to after the sports festival

I had won. This was a huge step towards the finish line.

As tired as I was I didn't have time for a brake. I had to juggle school running a NGO (google meaning if you don't know or ask in comments) I could not let my training slip either so I was always busy.

As I walked to the classroom I heard Mina talking about Izuku's flowers.

"I love the idea of the organization. It's so sweet I have donated a couple of times."

I was sitting at my desk. I didn't have friends not that I needed them anyways I would just end up hurting them just like I did with Izuku.

"I agree either Mina it is a great organization so helpful.👋✋👋✋" Iida said.

I ignore them and take out my note book. I need to make sure that I am ready for the upcoming test.

On top of studying I had to make sure I made time to visit Izuku's grave.

"Hey Bakugou what do you think about Izuku's flowers?"

I looked up and saw kirishima looking at me. Well pretty much the whole class looking at me.

"Forget it he doesn't care. He only cares about being the best." Todoroki said

After that I see people nod is agreement with him. It's fine tho because I don't need friends.

More time skips brought to you by the best narrator Aoyama

Finally the school day was over. I quickly packed all my things and walk out the door.

I head to my dorm room to put away my school things and get changed. As I walked I heard people laughing and chatting away. When was the last time I laughed or even smiled. Months ago that's for sure.

Once I got to my room I opened the door and put my bag on the desk. Then I when and grabbed some clothes before swiftly changing. I picked up a small sum of money before heading the the door.

I walked down stairs and out of the dorms.

Mina POV

"Hey you guys wanna follow Bakugou." I ask

"I don't know I am kinda curious of what he is always doing." Sero replies

"Second that." Kaminari said

"Alright then let's gooo." I said laughing.

Bakugou what ever your hiding we will find out. You can't hide anything from us.

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